project 365 (jan 1-8)

Project 365, Days 1-8:

1/365: Theo snuggling up next to his cousin’s new kitten, Pikachu
2/365: The view from my in-laws’ back porch
3/365: Daddy and Dexter at Don Pablo’s (yum.)
4/365: My awesome new Simples
5/365: My baby boy sleeping while we (I) walked around the neighborhood on a warm day
7/365: Puffs on the bed
8/365: Having fun at the indoor water park

So there are the first 8 pictures of this project.  Obviously, I have taken way more than 8 pictures in the last 8 days and it was really hard deciding which ones I would post.  This is going to be harder than I thought!

Hope you enjoyed it.  Which picture is your favorite?  I can’t decide…I really like them all.

Oh, and y’all.  That Tuscan Chili was to-die-for!  My only complaint – there were no leftovers!

snippety snappin’ left and right,

See all Project 365 posts here.