catch the moment 365: week forty

I would only like to talk about eating, or so it seems after I compiled my group of photos for week 40. I swear that’s not all we did. Although my jeans would beg to differ…but that’s another post titled “where’d my motivation go?” Moving on.

I’m linking up with again this week with CTM 365 hostesses:

274/365: Wednesday, October 1st.  Because sometimes dinner is just McDonald’s.  Sometimes you take your kids to the park after work because it’s too pretty not to and then it’s too late to even think about cooking.  So it’s McDonald’s because that’s what they asked for and on this day, you’re kind of into giving them what they want.


275/365: Thursday, October 2nd.  Meeting my good friend for chips & salsa and a margarita after the boys are snoozing in their beds.  Such a rebel! Yes, Ryan was home.


276/365: Friday, October 3rd.  After running around almost every night, I was excited to try THIS RECIPE and stay home.  It was extra delicious! At 105 calories per cup, I’ll have seconds!10-03-14

277/365: Saturday October 4th. Insane. Literally. I was going insane. I had big plans to make lots of progress working around the house and my two sweethearts were driving me bananas. Finally I gave up and let them run around outside. They were a lot less annoying and a lot more adorable – why didn’t I do that at 10am instead of 4pm?10-04-14

278/365: Sunday, October 5th. We picked up some cute crafts at the $1 store and the boys spent a while decorating and gluing cute little Halloween houses together.10-05-14

279/365: Monday, October 6th. It’s only natural that you’d celebrate a fantastic, cavity-free dentist appointment with cake pops….right? No? Just me. Okay.10-06-14

280/365: Tuesday, October 7th. Late night trip to Target to get milk and I hadn’t taken a picture yet. Good lighting…why not? 10-07-14

My favorites are 277 (Dexter lying down in the leaves) and 279 (Theo with his cake pop). I just love the light and their little faces. I just love them.

Which one(s) do you like best?




catch the moment: week thirty-nine

We’ve had another fun and busy week that went by way too fast.  We are enjoying the nice weather by getting outside a lot and hanging out with friends before it’s too cold to be running here and there.  We are also still working around the house, trying to make some progress on our kitchen remodel.

I’m linking up with again this week with CTM 365 hostesses:

267/365: Wednesday, September 24th. Popsicles in the bathtub because why not!?9-24-14

268/365: Thursday, September 25th. We met a little friend from Dexter’s class at the park. What a funny and handsome little guy!9-25-14

269/365: Friday, September 26th. Picking out tile for a backsplash is very complicated. And time-consuming. 9-26-14

270/365: Saturday, September 27th. We spent the afternoon celebrating a friend’s birthday at the apple orchard.  It was such a fun party idea – who needs crappy plastic toys and candy when you can have a peck of hand-picked apples for party favors instead? None of us had ever picked apples before so it was an extra special and fun experience.9-27-14

271/365: Sunday, September 28th. The boys and I visited some friends again on Sunday to get out of the house while Ryan worked in the kitchen.  I was dying laughing, watching Theo and his buddy smash their faces against the side of this little bounce house. So funny!9-28-14

272/365: Monday, September 29th.  So what do you do with all those apples? Make homemade applesauce, of course! This was just a simple recipe I found on Pinterest, but it was delicious! 9-29-14

273/365: Tuesday, September 30th. Miles of tiles to choose from…like I said. It’s complicated.9-30-14

And just like that, another month is over.  Gah.  This week, my favorite pictures are the one of Theo at the orchard (270) and the one of the boys together in the bathtub (267).  Which one do you like best?

