what’s the best age to take your kids to Disney?

Disney is on the horizon.  It’s far, far, far away on the horizon but if I squint real hard, I can almost kinda not really see it. 

Disney is super special to me and my hubs because that’s where we met.  You can read all about it here. I’ve been looking forward to the day we could take our kids there for the longest time, like before I even had kids.  The last time we went was in 2007 and I’m anxious and excited to be sorta kinda thinking about our next visit.

But see, here’s the thing.  Big Boo isn’t that excited because it costs a lot of money.  What doesn’t, right?  He wants to go when the kids remember it because otherwise, it’s a waste, you know?  I disagree.  I think toddlers are only toddlers once.  Little kids are the only ones that fall for the “magic,” in that characters-are-real sense, anyway.  And I say that the memories are as much for myself as they are for my kids.  Sure, they won’t remember it when they are 2 and 3, but I will.  I will remember the looks on their faces and them falling asleep with their heads on my shoulder at the end of the day.  I’ll remember how happy they were when I finally gave in and bought them that ridiculously overpriced souvenir.  When they see Sorcerer Mickey shoot fireworks out of his fingers.  I’ll snuggle up with them at the end of the long, long, long day and kiss their little heads as they fall asleep…drifting off to dream of a fantastic world they never knew existed. 

How can you put a price on that? 

I kind of gave him that spiel and he changed his tune.  He agrees with me, so we’re going in two years.  23 months, actually.  (Squeeeeee!!!!).  I. CAN’T. freakin’. WAIT.  Is there such a thing as the “right” age to take your kids to Disney World?  If I thought we would only go once in their lives, I might wait until they were 8 and 9, but I hope we’ll get to go 3-4 times by the time they’re 12 or so. 

So I get kinda lost in the shiny, glittery visions I have of myself at Disney World with the boys.  Then reality hits and I think…ages 2 and 3.  Hmm.  Is that going to be a nightmare?  How will they do on a plane?  Or should we drive?  Should I take the stroller?  Etc.  Etc.  Etc. 

We’ll figure all that out as it gets closer, but this trip is going to be epic.  It better be, or else it will take me 23 months to get over the disappointment.  Any pointers?  Anyone have an opinion about the “best” age to take a kid to Disney?

it’s a hot dog day,