beauty everywhere

You know, I always complain about the onset of fall.  Nothing personal, Autumn, but you mean the end of warm weather and the beginning of coats and icy roads and static in my hair.  This weekend I took a little time to look at my little world and I decided that I actually do like fall (a little).  There are certainly some beautiful colors to admire and without a doubt, some mild weather to enjoy.

chalkboard plate, birthday gift from my sister (artwork courtesy of me)

Colors, like the oranges, reds, and yellows on the trees.  Colors, like the blue of my baby boy’s eyes.  I think they are going to stay blue, guys, and I’m so excited!  After hearing how much Theo looks like his daddy from day 1, it’s nice to know I have something in common with Dexter.

hanging out with mama on Friday, while Theo took a nap
Then there are the rich browns – like that Hershey bar we let Theo go to town on Friday night.
I love the kelly greens – like the balloon the waitress at Red Robin gave Theo to keep him occupied until our food came.  Oh, and Dexter’s paci.
Okay, so those aren’t all fall colors.  Whatever.  Switching gears for a second – my sweet cousin, Kara, came to spend the weekend with us.  We had fun going out to eat, doing a little shopping, and just relaxing at Barnes & Noble while Theo played with trains and looked at some books.
Kara and Dex
Thanks, Kara, for snapping this sweet pic!
Sunday, we didn’t have any plans.  I watched most of Crazy, Stupid, Love. since I fell asleep 30 minutes into it Saturday night.  I’m a fan of both Steve Carell and romantic comedies, so I thought it was really cute.  Kara had to go, but we were glad to have gotten some extra time with her.  The boys loved her.  The weather was perfect so I took Theo for a wagon ride around our neighborhood.  After we got back, I carried him inside and he instantly dissolved into tears in a pile on the floor.  I agreed with him – it was way too pretty to stay inside.  So we went out to the backyard and watched the neighbor clean up his leaves. 
Alright, so … truth be told, it’s time to clean up our leaves, too.  But not before raking a big pile for Theo to jump in… 
By the way, 1 1/2 year olds aren’t that good at raking leaves, but they look cute trying.  I guess we’ll have to wait a little longer to put this one on the chore list. 
Let me just tell you how much he loved the leaf pile.  Uh, he ran past it and poked it with a stick and kept going.  He was not impressed.  Yeah – I got all out of breath raking up that awesome pile for a poke with a stick.  Dexter actually loved it, so it wasn’t a complete waste. 

I wouldn’t ask for anything more. 
hope your weekend was full of color too,