i know you love me

I read a post by Heather recently that I just loved – she talked about all the ways she knew her adorable daughter, Emi, loves her.  Or at least made her feel like she does.  So I’m stealing.

I feel loved by Dexter when I pick him up and he squeeeeeeezes my neck and gives me the biggest hug (while saying “squeeeeeze!”).  I feel loved when he lays his little head on my shoulder, even if it’s just for a few seconds.  To me, there’s  no better feeling in the world than my kids’ heads on my shoulder.  I feel loved by him when he brings me book after book after book after book and he climbs into my lap to listen to a story.  He’ll do this for as long as I will and I love the closeness, the stillness, and the cuddles.  Sometimes when I’m bending over to help him with something, he’ll reach up to give me a kiss totally unprompted.  I feel loved when he asks me to “chiss” his boo boos.  As annoying as it is, I feel loved when he cries out for me in the middle of the night and my presence is enough to calm him down.  I feel loved when he still lets me rock him in the glider.  I love my little snuggle bug and I’m willing to spend as much time cuddling with him as possible because I know it won’t always be this way.

I feel loved by Theo when he asks me to do a puzzle with him.  He’s seeking approval and praise and thrives on it.  He wants his mama to be proud of him.  I feel loved by Theo when he asks ME how MY day was.  I feel loved by Theo when he says “mama, you’re my best friend.”  I feel loved by Theo when he asks to watch a movie and then lets me hold him in my lap the whole time.  I feel loved by Theo when I put him to bed at night and he says “mama, will you snuggle up with me?”  Of course.  (As soon as Dexter goes to sleep.  Otherwise, he’ll get jealous and cry, cry, cry).  I feel loved by Theo when he runs to the door every day when I pick him up at the babysitter’s and says “MAMA! You’re here!” and he hurries to show me or tell me what he’s been doing.

I feel loved, or maybe I just feel love, when I watch my boys play together.  When I hear Theo offering to help Dexter. To share a treat with him.  Asking him if he’s okay when he cries.  When Dexter asks to snuggle up with Theo in his big bed.  When Dexter follows Theo around all day because he wants to be just like him.  With him.  Near him.  I feel loved knowing how much by boys love each other and hope that they know that they are each other’s greatest gift – a gift that only me and their dad could give them.

If you have little kids, you know that they do not always make you feel loved.  It’s good to remember how much they really do need and love you sometimes.


conversations with Theo: love fest & enough kids

In the car.

Dexter:  Mommy.
Me: What?
Dexter: Mommy.
Me:  What, Dexter?
Dexter: I dunno.
Me: You love me? Oh that’s sweet. I love you too.
Theo: I love you, too!
Me: Awwww…thanks Theo! I love you, too. And do you love brother?
Theo: I love you, too, Dexter.  Do you love me AND Dexter, mommy?
Me:  I love ALLLLLLLLLLLL my babies. Soooo much!
Theo:  You don’t have that many kids, mom.  You just have 2.
Me:  Well, that’s true. But I love both of them a whole bunch.  Do you think I should have a lot of kids?
Theo: No.
Me:  Why not?  Don’t you want another baby brother, or maybe a baby sister?
Theo:  No, mommy.  2 is enough for you.

Well. Hmmph.  What the hell is he really saying here?


cute things

Theo loses a little bit of his baby-ness every day so I’m trying to keep track of some of the cute things he says and does before they fade away.  Dexter is just now really talking in short sentences but is pretty cute too, I suppose.

I like how Theo calls crayons “crayleons.”
And ambulances are “ambliances.”

I like how Dexter claps his hands and says “yay! I deeeed it!” whenever he’s proud of himself.

I like how Dexter randomly grabs my cheeks and pulls me in to kiss him on the lips.

And how he says “I wuv eee.”  Sometimes to me and his dad, but mostly to his stuffed animals when he looks deep into their eyes.

I like how I can tell Theo to talk to Dexter when he’s crying and Theo sweetly says “Dexter, it’s okay. Don’t cry buddy.”  Even more, I like how Dexter listens to him.

I like how obsessed Theo is with Toy Story, and how he carries that 4” tall Woody around with him EVERYWHERE he goes. (I don’t like looking frantically for Woody’s hat 6x a day when it’s lost…super glue anyone?).

I like how Dexter wakes up with a smile on his face every.single.day.

I like how Theo is refusing to sit in his booster seat because he’s just too cool and old for that.

I like how Theo calls Penelope “Pepelome.”

I like how Dexter says lollipop…“Peepop.”

I like how Dexter decides it’s bedtime most nights by announcing “I want milk!”  He’ll stand in front of me, repeating this until I stand up.  As soon as I get up, he runs to the kitchen.  When I start getting the milk out, I’ll ask him if he’s ready for bed and he says “uh huh!” He’ll go get his favorite blanket and start telling daddy and Theo “nigh nigh!”  So cute.

I like how both boys call their favorite blanket “kanket.”  Dexter definitely stole that one from Theo.

Dexter loves to color and asks to do so almost every day.  “I wanna kuh-lah!”

P.S.  I like them. 


Added on 1/30:  Instead of saying he “forgot” something, Theo says he “got-for.”  Love it!