is almost one?
and just like that…it was over.
I’ve blogged and blogged about my decreasing milk supply and how sad I was when I realized I wasn’t going to make it to my goal of nursing Dexter for 12 months.
On March 17, Dexter drank his first bottle of formula. We started with a bottle a day. By the following Saturday, March 24, he was down to nursing once a day. That Thursday, March 29, I nursed him for the last time.
And just like that…it was over.
I had a pretty good idea that it was over that day, but I wasn’t positive so maybe it wasn’t as sad as it would have been, had I known for sure. By Friday, I knew for sure. I hadn’t nursed in 24 hours and didn’t feel like I needed to or could if I wanted to.
The transition to formula was pretty easy. We’ve learned that he likes it at a certain temperature or he tosses that bottle like a hot potato. It feels weird to feed my baby a bottle because I never really had until now. It makes me ache when he turns onto his side, trying to bury his face in my chest. I know what he wants and I can’t give it to him. Soon enough, he’ll forget.
I can’t stop thinking about how my baby days are almost over.