the case of the disappearing milk supply

With Theo, I had such an oversupply of milk that I had to pump before I went to bed.  Sometimes after he nursed in the mornings, too.  With Dexter, not the case.  Right at six months, my milk production fell off with Theo and I agonized over it until I found out I was pregnant.  Simple explanation, really.  So we started supplementing with formula and I was able to do that and nurse/use our freezer reserves until he was 8 months old. 

I AM NOT PREGNANT.  So why am I having the same dip in supply now that Dexter is 6 months old?  This coincides with me deciding to make him bigger bottles (an extra 4 oz spread out over 4 bottles) during the week, so I’m failing to even make enough milk for those right now.  Forget having enough left over to freeze.  I do still have frozen milk for him (for now) but I’m having to use it just to fill up the bottles.  Talk about stress.  I have a friend that just nursed twins for a year.  She works full-time too.  I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but my body doesn’t seem to want to feed my babies for much more than six months. 

I’m not giving up.  If it doesn’t improve soon, I’ll start Fenugreek.  I’m just not excited about it since I’ve read that it makes you and your baby smell like maple syrup.  Ew?  And I’m also not excited because I know once I start taking it, there’s no going back.  I’m afraid if I don’t keep taking it in increasing amounts, my supply will just continue to dwindle or dry up.  Anyone have experience with Fenugreek?  Or this 6 month milk mystery?

All I want is to prolong these fleeting, snuggly moments with my baby boy.  He seems to be getting plenty to eat on the weekend so I’m inclined to believe it has more to do with pumping.  Of course pumps are nowhere near as effective as emptying the breasts, so the more he nurses the better off we both are. 

I figured parenting would be stressful, but sheesh.  I didn’t know I’d have to measure and agonize over every ounce of breastmilk.  And hey, you want to talk about someone crying over spilled milk?  Yes, that really happens.  The stuff is gold at my house.  We don’t waste one drop. 

3 days til surgery consultation.  : (


baby Dexter’s bally balls

I mentioned that things have been crazy around here lately and apparently I failed to tell anyone and everyone the most important details.  I’ve had texts and phone calls and never knew how many people cared about my little Dex until now.  Or maybe they’re just nosy.  Eh.  Give ’em what they want, right? 

I debated about posting this, but it’s a big part of our lives and thoughts right now, so why not?  When Dexter is old enough to read this, I can delete it so he doesn’t hate me.  You won’t embarrass him about it, will you?

Dexter was born with hydroceles, which is fairly common for newborn boys.  Basically, their ballies look super big and swollen and there’s extra fluid around the testicles.  The fluid usually reabsorbs or goes away on it’s own.  I think Dexter’s have gone down but they are still swollen.  It doesn’t seem to cause him any discomfort or anything like that, but apparently one of the risks of not repairing it is hernia, or when abdominal organs somehow get down into the scrotum.  WHAT!?  I mean, they’re not that big.  They’re still just baby balls.  Anyway, I’ve never noticed anything out of the ordinary.  I’ve read stories online lately about parents seeing big bulges that were intestines or something (lesson: don’t ever run to google with a medical question), but no…that is not happening. 

We don’t want it to happen, anyway.  So at Dexter’s 6 month appointment last week (he was 15lbs 6 oz – 12th percentile – and 27″ – 68th percentile), the doctor stuck a flashlight under his junk and said if it glows, he goes (to the surgeon for a consult).  He glowed. 

He supposedly set up something with these middleman appointment schedulers, and they were supposed to call by yesterday, but surprise surprise!  They haven’t.  So I will be calling them today and hopefully we will have an appointment for the consultation.  If it has to be done, I really really want to get it done this year.  Ya know, since we’ve already spent a bazillion dollars on giving birth two years in a row and all.  New year, new deductible.

It’s a pretty minor deal, altogether, but I’m majorly freaking because he has to be put to sleep with anesthesia for the procedure and that breaks my mommy heart.  He’s just so little.  What if they give him too much? What if something goes wrong?  I just can’t stand the thought of it.  Has anyone ever dealt with this?? 

scared for my baby,

Dear Dexter (6 month letter)

Dear Dexter,

It seems like I never know how to start these letters off without making some comment about how fast the time has gone and that I can’t believe you’re already this old.  SIX months!  We’re halfway to your first birthday and it feels like just yesterday that I was rubbing my belly, wondering if you would be a baby boy or a baby girl.

You love your brother.  Your blossoming relationship is one of the sweetest things I have the pleasure of watching as you both grow.  Sometimes he will lay his head in your lap and you rub his hair and touch his face with the biggest grin imaginable.  I love it.  Whenever he sits by or in front of you, you’re quick to reach out to him, usually resting your hand on his back.  You watch him, wherever he goes and whatever he does.  He’s a very entertaining little boy, isn’t he?

You are sitting up pretty well now, but not so well that I don’t place the boppy pillow around you on the floor.  You still flop back from time to time but you are getting better every day at finding balance.  You shocked your daddy and I this past week as you have figured out how to get up on your hands and knees in early attempts at crawling.  You’ll move your knees but not your hands, so you usually end up moving by falling forward and repeating the process.  It’s just a matter of time before you mastered this milestone and are off exploring on your own.  It must be a strange thing to only be able to go where others take you, and then suddenly being able to go where you want (within limits, of course).  I guess you are bound and determined to keep up with Theo.

You have eaten several baby foods and I guess you must take after your mama, because you love the fruits and just tolerate the veggies.  You haven’t been to the doctor yet for your 6 month checkup, but I know you’re growing.  As soon as I clean out your clothes and move up the next size, you are outgrowing everything again.  We just put you in 6 months and some of the pants are already getting too short.

Your hair is blonde and your eyes are blue (like mine!)…where did you come from, little boy?  I love that you have your own look and that people often say you look like me.  You still don’t have any teeth but we think you’ve been teething for several months.  What’s going on with all the slobbering, Dexter, if there are no teeth coming?  You go through about a bazillion bibs a day!  I’m in no hurry for your teeth to come in because then your cute little baby gummy smile is gone forever.

I love you, Dexter Jay.  I can’t imagine life without you.  You love to snuggle and I do too.  You have the sweetest giggle that is absolutely infectious.  The moments I get to share with you make my life better, make me want to be better.  I want to be around for you and your brother always.  Mommies are always sad when their babies grow up and become more independent.  We want our babies to love and need us forever.  It’s no different, the way I feel about you.  I see all that your brother can do and can hardly believe he was just a little baby like you are now a year ago.  Now that you’ve decided it’s time to crawl, you won’t be far behind him.

with your Aunt Cher

Just promise to keep giving me hugs, okay?  I’m infinitely proud of you, my precious boy.

Love always,