falling behind

Seems like I am falling behind on everything these days, and why should the blog be any exception?  I have some pictures on my camera that I have been wanting to edit and upload – others that I just want to put on cds for friends – and I can’t seem to make time for any of it.  That makes me sad.  I got a super awesome camera for Christmas and I haven’t even been able to make time to read the instruction guide so that I can start taking better pictures with it.  Part of the problem is our computer – it’s 6 years old and a piece of junk.  The battery does not work at all, so it has to be plugged into the wall.  You have to wiggle the cord and get it just right and then hold it…so you’ve basically got one hand to work with while hoping for all hope that the thing doesn’t just zap out and shut off on you while you’re in mid-transfer or mid-edit or mid-whatever. 

My cell phone is about to give me an anxiety attack.  I got it on New Year’s Eve…you know, the one 4 months ago, and we have gotten 3 (refurbished) replacements and replaced the battery twice.  Still, half the time when the battery gets low, it absolutely will not charge and then it’s dead, and then I’m in a panic because (like most of the people we know) we don’t have a home phone.  The babysitter can’t get in touch with me.  I can’t get in touch with my husband.  The only way I can reach my husband is to get on the computer (you understand how trying that can be) and instant message him (if he is at his desk at work).  Troublesome.  We are not getting the solutions we deserve (and are paying for) from Verizon, but that’s a story for another day.

We are having a baby in 10 days (eeeeeeeee!) and our camcorder is on the fritz.  Unacceptable.

I miss the way it used to be.  I know everything is so much better now, but the more I rely on technology, the more helpless I feel.  I want a new breast pump ($300).  I want/need a double stroller ($300).  Now does not seem like the time to buy a new computer or video camera or this or that. 

Everything costs money and nothing is reliable.  It’s so frustrating.  On top of having issues with everything, there’s never any time to deal with any of it to make it right.  My husband would add to the list that the television of his dreams that is less than 2 years old now has random vertical blue lines that come and go from time to time.  Does everyone have these problems or are we really just that lucky? 

At least I have a nice camera – no complaints about that (yet).  I’m excited to take pictures of my new (calm, still, sleeping) baby.  Theo is harder to capture.  Hopefully I’ll get some time to upload some pictures from Easter and a few of the one year pics I took of him myself (don’t laugh…I said I haven’t had time to study and hone my skills). 


lazy bliss

This weekend was the first weekend in I-dont-know-how-long (long time) that we had no plans and made no plans and saw no one but each other.  Me, my baby, and my boo.  Just the three of us.  Well, I guess I should start counting this itty bitty belly-boo, too.  So it was the four of us.  Okay, if you want to get technical, we spent a lot of time with the cats.  So 6 of us. 

When I say I-don’t-know-how-long, I mean months.  I know it was before holidays, and if it was before the holidays, it was WAY before the holidays because November and December are always jam-packed.  I think we need to make plans to make no plans more often.  It was really refreshing to surround myself with my little family.  (I love how that sounds).  I love our extended families and our friends and cherish the time that we get to spend with them but the time alone (together) was immeasurably valuable. 

We did a whole lot of nothing…we ran errands, bought groceries, went clothes shopping, and exchanged Theo’s convertible car seat.  We cooked dinners and went for walks.  We enjoyed the amazing 78 degree temps.  After the babe went to bed we played Donkey Kong Country on the Wii and watched DVR.  It was bliss.  Lazy, unproductive, happy bliss. 

This weekend I thought about the fact that this (32+ wks) was about how far along I was with Theo when I started thinking (er, stressing) about what to pack in my hospital bag.  That makes it seem so much more real and so much more…soon.  So much more…ohmygodisthisreallyhappening!?  Sometimes, when I’m unbelievably tired, I wonder if this was a huge mistake, having another baby so soon.  But then I think about how much I love being a mom and having a son and seeing my husband as a dad.  I think about how lucky we were to get pregnant so easily this time.  I think about how I wish the people we’re close to had the same good fortune.  It’s a lot harder to complain about it when I think about how badly I wanted it with Theo and how a couple friends of mine now have been trying for three times as long as it took us to get there with him.

Only 5 weeks and a few days to go, supposing I still get induced at 38 weeks.  I’ve been managing my diabetes well, so hopefully that will continue as I progress.  I feel like my stomach just got huge in the last week or two.  It must have because I’ve started getting the stranger comments and stranger stares.  (And because now the baby is allegedly packing on about a half pound per week!)

*wince* “Oh honey, how much longer?”

“Oh my goodness…how old is your little boy?  And when are you due!?”

“Well you look great to be so far along!”  (WTH is this?!  Some sort of backhanded compliment, I do believe).

*grimace* “How far along are you?”

I’m taking it all in stride.  I know this phase of my life is quickly flying past me.  And I know that all of the discomforts of pregnancy will soon be a memory.  I’ll be trying to remember exactly what those taps, kicks, and pushes felt like and just what this big belly looked like. 

Thank goodness it’s getting warm enough to wear flip-flops now because I think my shoestring-tying days are over. 


last day of the first year

What a weekend!

I don’t have much time and there’s so much to post updates on. 

I got the results of my gestational diabetes test back.

I have my 29 week check up today (although I won’t be 29 weeks til Thursday).  How is that possible?

Last week I was thinking about all the milestones we’ve met with Theo this year and all the ones we didn’t…like no trips to the ER, no fevers, no major injuries or illnesses, etc.  Well, we hit one of those milestones head on this weekend.  No. Fun.

We had his first birthday party and I got emotional at the most random moment. 

My best friend‘s little sister successfully gave birth via VBAC (Congrats, S!) to a beautiful baby girl Sunday morning.

Theo nearly stopped eating and drinking altogether and scared me half to death.  Triple M mode, people – major mommy meltdown.

I spent time with my wonderful family and great friends over the weekend.  I’ve been reflecting on how happy I am to be surrounded by the generous, kind, healthy people in my life.  It’s so easy to take those qualities for granted.

Here’s my baby boy on the last day of his first year:

So much more to come,