12 kinds of random on a thursday

1.  I don’t eat crust.  Pizza.  Pie.  Bread.  Chicken Pot Pie.  You name it.  I hate crust.

2.  Theo’s babysitter sent me this picture the other day to show me the monkey he’s been dragging around her house.  My response:  “Cute, but who is that little kid in the picture and where’s my baby?”  He looks so big!

3.  I hate brushing my kid’s teeth.  Maybe not as much as he hates it when I brush them, but I really hate it.  I never feel like I’m accomplishing anything (aside from torturing him).

4.  I like bargains, but I don’t want to dig for them.  I wish I could be a thrift store shopper, but I don’t have the patience.  I almost never pay full price for clothes or shoes, but the deals have to be neatly organized or I get flustered and flee the scene. 

5.  I have always wanted to go to Costa Rica.

6.  Sunshine, blue skies, and the smell of Spring make me happy.  Literally.  It’s like a chemical reaction in my body.  I wouldn’t say I get depressed in the Winter but I definitely get happy in the Spring.  Problems seem smaller, people seem friendlier.  I love Springtime. 

7.  On the sunshine and Costa Rica note, I’m dyyyying to go on a vacation.  I get sick of the same scenery and after so long, I start itching to see something new.  I’m hoping we can squeeze in a trip to somewhere new, but close, while I am on maternity leave. 

8.  I like my job.  I’ve been with the state for almost 4 years (how did THAT happen so fast?) and at my current position for almost a year and a half.  I like it.  I know a lot of people that can’t say the same thing, so I feel really lucky.

9. Baby kicks can be kind of annoying while you’re pregnant, but they are definitely the thing I miss the most about being pregnant.  Weird.  Same thing kinda goes for having this big giant belly.  It’s annoying while it’s here, but it makes me feel special.  I like seeing it in the mirror.  I miss seeing it when it’s gone.  I’m trying to appreciate it more this time around.

10.  I’m done freaking out about Theo’s birthday party.  Whatever happens happens and from here, it’s out of my control.

11. On the birthday party note, two of Theo’s BFFs also turn one this month (how good does it feel to FINALLY say it’s March!?!?  Yes!  The month when Winter ends and Spring begins….hallelujah!) and I’m so excited for what’s ahead for these three little boys.  I hope they’ll be friends for a long, long time.

12.  A final birthday note…my mom got Theo this wagon for his birthday.  We decided to test it out a few days early.  Can you say happy camper?

It’s a big weekend, diabetes test and birthday party…wish me luck!


is it just me or…

was our waitress Saturday an idiot? Here’s what happened.

The menu item that I settled on was a salad that came with some kind of herb vinaigrette.  That did not sound delicious to me, so when I ordered I said something like this:

“I’ll have the [blah blah whatever it was called] salad, except can I get the sun-dried tomato vinaigrette?  On the side, in case I don’t like it?” 

She seemed to have no trouble understanding my question, therefore I thought she understood my request.  She bobbled off like the airhead that she (apparently) is and a few minutes later our salads come out.

My reaction:

“Oooh, this looks goo-”

I toss my salad around with my fork and observe that it is soaking wet, covered in dressing.  Covered in something that is clearly not the sun-dried tomato vinaigrette, which she did bring on the side.  The waitress bobbles by again so I grab her attention and ask:

“Um? I’m confused.  Does this already have dressing on it?

“Yeah…the herb vinaigrette comes on it.  And I brought the sun-dried tomato vinaigrette on the side.”

I sat there, dumbfounded, with a wrinkled brow just long enough for her to bounce away.  What planet must you live on to assume that when I order a different dressing from what is on the menu, I want it in addition to the one that is mentioned in the description?  How much salad dressing can one person use?

Clearly, she knew that she missed the mark because she trotted past our table about 50 times without ever checking to see if we liked our food or needed anything.  Meanwhile, I overheard her asking all of the tables surrounding us if their food was okay.  Honestly, I wanted to blow up.  Not over the dressing mistake so much as her reaction to the situation.  Finally, while I was on the phone for 30 seconds with my mom, she came back and asked husband if he wanted a refill on his drink.  She didn’t bother to make eye contact with me.

If I hadn’t been in such a hurry to get to my in-laws and see Peezy after our baby-free early Valentine/Friday night/Saturday morning date, I would have definitely complained and waited for them to re-make it.  But I didn’t.  The herb vinaigrette dressing actually wasn’t bad.  If I’d hated it, I certainly would have said something.  It was just the principle of the matter and her response to it that pissed me off. 

Am I crazy here, people?  Based on what I ordered, is there any reason to believe that I still wanted the herb vinaigrette?

As a side note, Happy Valentine’s Day!

love, love, love,

baby’s first haircut – before and after

The night before:

See the massive amounts of hair we were dealing with?  This picture doesn’t even fully demonstrate the length on top, which i estimate was probably 6-8 inches long.

 Still not a great visual on the length, but you get the idea.

He wouldn’t sit still long enough for us to get a big handful of hair to demonstrate how long it was.  We really tried!

 Day of, right before the haircut.  I was all nerves. 
Hat hair!
He was initially amused by turning the steering wheel in the little racecar.

The Spraydown.

First snip.

Um.  What do you think you’re doing?

The longest part is gone.  He already looks older.

Never cried.  Never smiled either, but never cried.  I’d call that a successful first haircut.

My baby is almost a toddler.
Speaking of my baby almost being a toddler, he took 2 steps unassisted over the weekend.  Sigh.
This last picture is technically a “before” shot and messes up the chronology here, but I had to save it for last because it’s so super irresistable. 