jimi hendrix said it best

 when he said:

Wild thing.

You make my heart sing.

You make everything.


 I have been calling Theo my little wild thing here lately, and rightfully so.  He is something else.  I love asking him, “Theo are you crazy?”
“I cwazy.”
“Theo are you silly?”
“I sih-yee.”
“Are you wild?”
“I while.”
“Are you happy?”
“I hat-tee.”
This right here?  This makes my heart sing.
My babies, playing together.
My babies, plotting against Niko together.
My babies, digging for toys together.
My baby, crawling.
My baby, in Santa jammies. 
Because it really is the small things in life, you know what I mean?  I find myself feeling full of joy for no reason at all sometimes.  No reason other than what you see in these pictures.  Everyday things.  The little things.  The wonder in their eyes.  Their fascination with ordinary things.  I find myself getting really excited about future Christmases – those precious few that they do believe in Santa.  The mornings when they stand by the bed, begging us to get up and open presents. 
Yeah.  I think that will make my heart sing, too.

thanksgiving wrap-up: a photoblog

Hey there.

My little boys on Thanksgiving Day.  Just looking at their sweet, innocent faces fills my heart with pride and love.  Two years ago, on Thanksgiving, I never would have guessed we’d be where we are now.  But I sure as heck wouldn’t have it any other way. 
We spent the weekend at Nana and Pop Pop’s house and were joined by Aunt M, Uncle B, and Cousin Spence, or as Theo says, “Pence!”  I think Pence is pretty excited that Theo can finally play trains with him.  


Dexter managed to find a way to play trains too.  Friday night our city had their annual celebration that goes along with lighting the “tree” (a.k.a. monument).  Since I’ve lived here for 8 years and had never seen it, I figured I should mark it off my to-do list.  The city, it was beautiful.  We had mild weather and the crowd was energizing.  The lighting of the “tree,” eh.  It was kind of like, well, turning on a light.  You know?  But my boo recently started a new job, right in front of this “tree” and his company opened their doors to employees and their families for the event.  So, I got to see the new digs.  It was a 2-for-1 kinda deal. 

 The most fun for Pence and Theo was not only the cookie and drink buffet inside boo’s work, but the wide open space to run and play.  Tell me these are two little boys who aren’t having fun.  I dare ya.

Well…we had fun trying to get some decent pictures.  Finally, the “tree” was lit and we were able to get to the parking garage so that we could sit.  And sit.  And sit.  For an hour.  That was the least fun part of the night, but we should have parked further away from the center of activity instead of using R’s parking pass.  Lesson learned.  I don’t know that I have to go do it again, but it was a fun night.  Something different to do on Black Friday, anyway!  I wouldn’t leave you wondering what that magical “tree” looks like, all lit up. 
yep, that’s it.

The rest of the weekend was filled with a reindeer, giggles with Pop Pop, stories with Nana, rolling and trying to crawl all over the place, and attempts at a decent Christmas card photo. 
Well.  You can see how successful that endeavor was.
All in all…best Thanksgiving ever.  Sure do have a lot to be thankful for this year.
thanks for reading,

20 things about us

I snagged the idea for this blog post from Babbling Abby

20 Things About Us
1.  We are hopelessly sentimental about Disney World.  Can you blame us?  Don’t you know how we met?  We fantasize about going back and are completely engulfed in the “magic” and nostalgia while we’re there. 
2.  The more time we spend together, the better we are.  The more in love we are.  Time apart is the enemy in our relationship. 
3.  Case in point:  We fought 10x more in the 4 years we were in a long distance relationship than we have in the nearly 8 years we’ve been married.  (Did you know we were long distance for almost four years?  Or that we’ve already been married for almost EIGHT!?  how did that happen…)
4.  We both have the same vision of what we want for ourselves, our kids, our future.  Does that happen very often?  Because I feel pretty lucky.
5.  He always thanks me for making dinner.  I try to always thank him for cutting the grass or taking out the trash – he’s better at it than I am.  It’s so nice to feel appreciated.
6.  We rarely fight.  But when we fight, we fight (yelling, people…just verbal stuff, mmkay?).  It’s usually my fault because I’m overreacting about something or because I’m hormonal (that’s happened a lot more over the last couple of years.  I look forward to returning to normal, if she’s still in here somewhere).  Sometimes it’s his fault because he’s stressed and stress makes him grumpy and jumpy.
7.  I’m not afraid to put him in his place and he’s not afraid to put me in mine.  I really think that we share the “pants” in the family and I like it that way.
8.  It’s way too easy for one of us to talk the other one into going out to eat.
9.  He pretty much gave up beef several years ago when I did and never complained.  He gets it from time to time at restaurants but we never have it at home.  Seems like that would be a bigger deal to most dudes.
10.  I still look forward to seeing him at the end of the day as much as I ever did.
11.  I think he’s the only person I would never get tired of being around.
12.  He gives the best hugs.  He always, always, always hugs me before I leave for work.  And tells me to be careful.  I think that’s sweet.
13.  We do not have the same taste in music.  Not. At. All.
14.  He likes my movies but I don’t like his.  Hardly ever.
15.  He thinks I’m a good singer and a wonderful cook.  I think he’s the smartest computer guy and an all-around genius.
16.  I wish he was more patient and he wishes I was less anxious.
17.  We want to go to Hawaii for our 10th anniversary but we need to start saving, like tuh-day, and that’s probably not going to happen.  Maybe for our 20th.  Or 50th.
18.  He is 1 year, 9 months, and 17 days older than me.  When we met, I was 19 and he was 21.  Mere babies.
19.  We share a love of amusement parks and roller coasters and vacations and lazy days and new experiences.  And Theo.  We collectively could not love that little boy any more.
20.  My favorite thing is how we’re always a team.  Good or bad…as parents, as individuals, and as a couple – we are a team.  We do things together and for each other.  On the average day, there aren’t a lot of grand romantic gestures, but there are always little moments that make life more special.
What’s are the things you like best about you and your love??