a first: playing in the snow

Our backyard.  Their playground.

Until yesterday, the snow was something that the boys just watched from inside.  Stomped on in the driveway or knocked off of a bush while on their way to the car.  I’m not going to lie – I hate the snow.  The reason they have never played in the snow is because I don’t want to play in the snow. Hate is not a strong enough word.  Sure, it’s pretty.  But worthless as far as I’m concerned.  However, the first words out of Theo’s mouth when I picked them up from the babysitter were “Mommy, can we play in the snow?!”  He had such an excited, hopeful look on his face that I couldn’t find an excuse to say no.

We got home and bundled up and went right back outside for about 45 minutes.  I was paranoid the entire time that they were going to freeze.  Every time they sat on their knees to play.  Every time they fell on their bottoms and just sat there laughing.  Also, I was freezing.  But the looks on their faces were so priceless and sweet.  I guess that dumb snow’s not entirely worthless. Anything free that can elicit such wonder and amazement has some innate value, correct?  Without further ado.

Checking the mail before we go inside.
Well, that was fun.  Is it springtime yet?

first trip to the dentist

I figured since our pediatrician has asked us at Theo’s last two check-ups if we have taken him to the dentist (and tried to push a local pediatric dentist’s card on us when we said “no”), I ought to try to squeeze this in before his three year check up in a couple weeks. Disregard the fact that I’m freaking out because my BABY boy is almost THREE…

Anyway, what’s “the” age to take a child to the dentist?  I’ve heard everything from when they get their first flippin’ tooth to when they start school.  We’re about halfway between and I guess these early visits can be considered trial runs for when he has more intense appointments in the future.

He went today.  I chose to take him to the dentist that Ryan and I go to for convenience, with an open mind that they may not do a great job with toddlers.  Can I still call him a toddler?  He seems too old for that.  I digress.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Theo. He did well, but he was not a fan of the gritty toothpaste or the bright light.  I was shocked at how well the staff did with Theo.  Above and beyond for sure.  If they had not been so great, maybe Theo would have not done as well as he did.  He just seemed like such a big boy sitting in that cool chair.  The hygienist let him go up and down as many times as he wanted. She showed him the x-ray machines and let him pick out his favorite Lightning McQueen toothbrush and let him push buttons on every single thing.  So kind and patient.

Helping suck the water out of daddy’s mouth.
Getting a closer look.  Disregard that nice bedhead he’s got going on.
Spraying the water in daddy’s mouth. P.S. I was cracking up this whole time.  I’m sure Ryan thoroughly enjoyed having a 2 year old dental assistant today. 
Theo’s turn!
Having second thoughts about this bib.
The light’s a little bright, lady.
Being very cooperative!
Much better!
Helping Dr. Rob take another look at dad.
Checking out those pretty pearly whites in the mirror.
Got his picture on the Wall of Super Duper Patients.
Along with every other child patient they see.
Such a big boy. I don’t know why this milestone feels like such a big deal – I guess maybe because it is coinciding with his 3rd birthday next Friday.  Crazy!  All I know is that I look at his long legs and engage in thoughtful conversation with him and it’s hard to believe how much he’s changed in three short years.  I just love this little boy. 

Dear Dexter (18 month letter)

Littlest Dexy,

Here we are in the middle of November and halfway to your 2nd birthday already.  On 11/13/12 at 7:05 a.m., you will be 1 and a 1/2 years old!  You are so happy, easy going, and such a joy to be around.  You’re also a mischievous little guy who likes to flash a sly grin when you’re doing something you know you’re not supposed to do.

You’re FINALLY getting some more teeth.  You’d had the same 7 since you were about 10 months old but now you’re getting the fourth on the bottom and your incisors on the top.  You’ve been a little wild and crazy and sometimes grumpy lately, which I attribute to these mean teeth coming through, but overall you’re handling it like a champ.

You love to eat. Period.  You like your milk. We still give you milk in the mornings and before bed because you love it.  You gulp it down and sometimes, if we’re lucky, you’ll go back to sleep in the morning afterwards.  Sleep – that’s what we need to talk about.  You still wake up EARLY!  Not 5am early like you used to every day, but sometimes 6.  Here recently, you’ve started occasionally sleeping til 7 and maybe that will become the norm over the next few months. Please and thank you. 

You started sharing a room with your brother over the past couple of weeks and so far I’m really pleased!  You guys get along and play together better than ever and we haven’t had much trouble getting you guys to go to sleep at night.  Usually we put you to bed a few minutes before Theo or else… you’ll be up yelling and wanting to play for 45 minutes!  I can hear Theo through the monitor telling you “Dexter! It’s bedtime!  Go to sleep!”  He’s one to talk, isn’t he? 

You’re talking more and more and saying things I’ve never heard you say before.  You say “I want” followed by the thing that you want all the time.  Whether it’s “to eat,” “a bath,” “to play,” “down,” “up,” “to read,” “Neee” (our cat Niko), “potty” (you don’t really do that…you just watch your brother sometimes), etc.  The list goes on and on.  You will repeat anything and everything that we say (or at least try).

Boy, you want to be JUST like Theo.  Wherever he is, there you are.  If you’re not there, if I wait long enough, you’ll show up.  You want to play what he’s playing. Read what he’s reading. Watch what he’s watching. Sit where he’s sitting.  You two are too cute.  Watching you guys together makes mama a happy gal.

You like our new house. You’ve got lots of toys and lots of room to run around.  Your favorite thing is probably playing on the slide in the library.  Yes, the big plastic slide is in the library until we finish the basement or find some other place for it.  You are brave and like to stand at the top of the slide and take off running down it.  This does not always end well.  You should stop doing that, or at least learn something from it.

You’re so brave. You know no danger.  You know no stranger.  I was just telling your dad the other day that I don’t think I’ve ever seen you bleed.  Your brother was only about 9 months old the first time he busted his lip…and he’s done this several times since then. He’s had various other boo boos.  But I can’t think of a single time you’ve had a cut or busted lip.  I hope I didn’t just jinx you!  I guess you’re somewhat cautious in your adventures…you haven’t led us to the ER yet.

I still love that you have blonde hair and blue eyes. We call you Blondie a lot.  And Dex. Dexy. Deezy.  Deezy von Weezy.  My sweet.  And again…the list goes on.  You’re wearing mostly 18-24 months clothes.  Still in a crib. You’ve never climbed out (yet).  You still like 2+ hr naps in the afternoon.  You still have the biggest smile and brighest eyes of any little blondie I’ve ever known. 

I’m really looking forward to the next six months to see how you change and how your vocabulary grows. How your independence and relationship with Theo grows.  I’m looking forward to watching you develop your own interests and talents even more and fostering those things for you.  I’m looking forward to holidays and lazy Saturday mornings with cartoons on the couch.  I’m looking forward to being with you and just being your mama for the rest of my life. 

You’re my sweet.  You’re my baby and you always will be. 
