thankful: 2014

Here we are – it’s already December 1st and what’s new? Not much, just another 11 months that have flown right by. Our tree is up, the temps are down, and winter is upon us.  This Thanksgiving season came and went in a blur, spanning the second half of November.

A couple weekends ago we went to Tennessee to visit my family.  We decided to go early since my sister and her family would be on vacation the entire week of Thanksgiving. While I would have loved to hop in a suitcase and make another trip to sunny Florida, I figured I should probably stay home instead.

My sister’s best friend and her family recently opened their own Froyoz shop so you better believe that was number 2 on our list of places to visit – right after we ate dinner.

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Saturday (11/15/14) was “Thanksgiving.” It really felt like it all day long.  Lots of yummy food, football, games, and hanging out. I didn’t get the memo about wearing stripes though.IMG_5869 IMG_5885

My mom’s amazingly perfect peanut butter pie. Oh, that meringue. IMG_5897

Of course my kids would be the ones with their mouths full of food in every picture…IMG_5904

Sunday we had to go home after lunch – you’d think we took the boys to the aquarium. They loved the lobster tank at Red Lobster.IMG_5907 IMG_5910 Flash forward 10 or 11 days to the Thanksgiving Day everyone celebrated. My sister-in-law and her husband had to work Friday so we didn’t get together with them. My father-in-law was still recuperating from his knee replacement surgery the week before so we didn’t get together for several days like we normally would.  My in-laws came to our house and I prepared our meal…which was pretty pleasing to my taste buds!  We had crock pot turkey, yeast rolls, broccoli and cauliflower au gratin, hash brown casserole, green bean bundles, peanut butter fudge, toffee chocolate bars, and….IMG_6220 IMG_6221 IMG_6223 IMG_6224

…a nap.IMG_6229 IMG_6234As you can see, I didn’t go out of my way to take loads of pictures.  We actually spent most of Thanksgiving weekend holed up at home, putting up decorations and cleaning. I was sick with a cold so didn’t feel like doing a ton anyway, so it was nice to just have a 4 day weekend to spend at home instead of traveling here and there. It felt great going back to work with all of our laundry and dishes done and house aglow with twinkling lights.  The boys are excited about taking turns with our 2 advent calendars – a traditional felt one and a Lego one they got from their cousin, Spencer.  Just enjoying this time of year and trying to get my shopping done so I can enjoy the days before Christmas this year instead of getting into a complete funk like I did last year.

If you’re still reading all this rambling, thanks, and I hope you had a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend too!




Okaloosa Island 2014: Part 4

Catch up on the first few days here:

Friday, October 17th: By far the nicest day we had there weather-wise, the skies and water were completely calm. The temp was back into the 80s.  This was the first day that we could go far out into the water, still see our toes, and feel comfortable letting the boys go out of our reach without being afraid that a wave would go over their heads.  Crystal clear water that the Destin area is known for – ahhhh.

Beach, pool, beach, pool, back and forth.  We packed a picnic so we could eat by the pool and spend more of our last full day out in the sun and sand. We were almost always the only ones in the pool or on the pool deck.

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There were unlimited drinks – wine, beer, soda, and water – on the sunset dolphin cruise.  So we let the boys try Sprite for the first time.  This was Dexter’s reaction: 10-17-14IMG_5014

They both got to captain the boat!


10-17-14ss_17264010-17-14IMG_5051 10-17-14IMG_5077 10-17-14IMG_5088    10-17-14ss_175918 I didn’t take any pictures of the dolphins we saw – we were so relaxed, just enjoying the wind and the water – and okay, the drinks too.  It was such a fun cruise.  Afterwards, we had a fantastic dinner at LaFamiglia at HarborWalk Village.10-17-14IMG_509410-17-14IMG_5093

Back to the condo to pack and lament over the sad end of a wonderful week.

Saturday, October 18th: Departure Day.  “October 11th through the 18th.” I had said those dates a hundred times when talking to friends, family, and acquaintances about our vacation as it approached.  Now, checkout day was here and I didn’t like the sound of October 18th anymore.  The only picture I took was of the condo before we pulled away.

10-18-14IMG_5102 10-18-14IMG_5104The boys were great in the car – Dexter actually took a long 2 or 3 hour nap.  We drove to my friends’ house in Nashville, TN and crashed for the night.

Sunday, October 19th.  We hit the road early but weren’t quite ready for vacation to end just yet.  I got that “I don’t wanna go home…I wanna DO somethin'” feeling.  The next sign on the side of the interstate as we were approaching Bowling Green, Kentucky said “Lost River Cave & Valley.” I was driving so I told Ryan to look it up on TripAdvisor.  I was an easy sell and quickly pulled off the interstate, changing the destination on our GPS.  What a gem for the people of Bowling Green. I loved the town of BG as we drove through, but this place was so neat. Such a great outdoor space for kids with an all natural playground, fossil and gem mining, trails, cave (with an underground boat tour), and an adorable and impressive gift shop.

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Don’t mind the tantrum…typical.10-19-14IMG_5177 - Copy 10-19-14IMG_5192 - Copy 10-19-14ss_104754 10-19-14ss_114535 10-19-14ss_114558 10-19-14ss_115828Theo did have a massive meltdown at this place over me wanting to take a picture or two…he was beyond tired and not wanting to do anything we asked of him. FUN note to end the vacation on….except not really. We had a heart to heart in the car afterwards, kissed and made up, and made it home in the late afternoon.  With hearts and minds bursting with memories and love and happiness that it happened and sadness that it was over.  Just like every vacation. The end of a week spent as an isolated little unit of 4 people.  If only vacations happened more than once or twice a year.  Work shmerk!

So that’s the end of our Okaloosa Island 2014 series – I hope you have enjoyed and that I’ve talked you into taking a trip there (and to Bowling Green!)…it really was amazing!







catch the moment: week forty-seven

I didn’t plan on having a “brothers” theme (or any theme) this week, but as I’m looking through my photos, I see it.   These little boys really are best friends. They want to be together, even when we are at home. They get sick of each other, but it never lasts more than 5 minutes. They fight over a toy at least once a day. Eventually, their arguments will last longer and their words will hurt deeper.  Despite the inevitable conflicts, I hope they’ll always look forward to spending time together, always be best friends, and always remain involved in each other’s lives.

Linking up with Mindi, Sarah, and Stephanie for week 47 of Catch the Moment 365.  Mindi will continue to host the link-up and Facebook support group page in 2015 if anyone else is interested in the challenge.  You don’t have to have a blog; you can share on instagram or facebook if you’d rather.  Come on…

323/365 – Wednesday, November 19th. Late night photo grab on my part – they have had this Melissa & Doug Make-a-Meal Sticker Pad for 2 years and only played with it once. Until this night…then then next three consecutive nights.  They were cooking up all sorts of interesting meals.  It’s a cute (and cheap ~$5) Christmas idea if you’re trying to think of one for your fake food loving, sticker obsessed little one.11-19-14

324/365 – Thursday, November 20th:  This picture is terribly grainy as it was still dark outside and therefore inside as well…but as the boys were eating breakfast, I told them to finish up while I picked out their clothes. I walked out of the room and Theo called out for me. “Hey mom! Make sure you pick out something really cute.”  I laughed and did my best…for Theo, looking fancy means wearing a button up with jeans and tennis shoes instead of a t-shirt. Hey, that’s how we roll.  P.S. Dexter calls “button up” shirts “buttoning shirts.”  And he calls footie pajamas “zipping pajamas.” I call him “cute.” 11-20-14

325/365 – Friday, November 21st: Another super grainy shot – sue me. Just eating some fruit snacks on the counter; nothing out of the ordinary around here.11-21-14

326/365 – Saturday, November 22nd: My cousin Kara came for the day Saturday with her little cousin, J. We had fun going to see Big Hero 6 and then crafting and playing at home.  The boys love both of these gals and having sleepovers at our house. Story time in the library before bed…everyone was able to find something they wanted to read.11-22-14

327/365 – Sunday, November 23rd: Dexter was feeling yucky and puny all day. Complaining that his stomach hurt and just not interested in playing. He’s also had a junky, croupy sounding cough and random fevers that come for an hour and then go away for 24.  We’re fever free for over 24 hours now so hopefully he’s on the mend. I thought it was super sweet that Theo snuggled right up next to him since Dexter didn’t want to leave the couch.11-23-14

328/365 – Monday, November 24th: Typical scene on my way home from work on a very windy, wintery afternoon. 11-24-14

329/365 – Tuesday, November 25th: Bath night! 11-25-14

329 (bath night) is my favorite photo this week, but I really love the closeness between brothers that I see in four of the other photos! Which is your favorite this week, hmm?

