catch the moment: week forty-three

It’s been a very fun and festive week full of Halloween activities. This post is very fall-y.  Unfortunately by this time next week, most of the leaves will probably be down and my world will be a lot less colorful!  And thanks to Daylight Savings Time, my world will be a lot darker too.  Boo.

Linking up with Mindi, Sarah, and Stephanie for this installment of Catch the Moment 365. With only 9 weeks left, what do you think?  Should I plan on doing this again in 2015?

295/365 – Wednesday, October 22nd: Just something pretty I saw on my drive home from work. This represents rural Indiana in the fall – farmhouse across from a cornfield with beautiful leaves drifting slowly from the trees. 10-22-14

296/365 – Thursday, October 23rd: A quick play date at the park after work with our sweet little friend.10-23-14

297/365 – Friday, October 24th. Community Halloween party with another little pal. A pretty wild bunch!10-24-14a

298/365 – Saturday, October 25th: Another Halloween party at our friends’ house and Theo LOVED this Medusa decoration. He kept going back to it.10-25-14

299/365 – Sunday, October 26th: Little buddy was proud of the pumpkin that he designed and helped me carve for him. I couldn’t get Dexter to cooperate for taking a picture with his pumpkin. Sometimes I see a photo of one of these boys and imagine myself looking at it when I’m older, thinking “I remember that day. He looks so little.”  This is one of those.10-26-14

300/365 – Monday, October 27th: I was backing out of the driveway when the beauty of this shot struck me.  We have a lot of work to do on this house, but we’re lucky to live here.  Seeing the trees getting more and more bare makes me sad. Soon there will be no color left in this scene other than the red brick on our house. 10-27-14

301/365 – Tuesday, October 28th: Overexposed but I don’t care – I love his little face to much not to share this one. We’ve recently started bathing them separately more than together and while it’s a sad sign that they are getting bigger, it’s so much nicer. Honestly. No fighting, no splashing. 10-28-14So what picture(s) do you like best from this week?  I like them all. So there.



catch the moment: week forty-two

Well, crap. I just looked through my recent posts and saw that I have only posted one thing that was NOT Catch the Moment since early September.  I keep thinking I will get back into blogging regularly but…I don’t know.  It’s just not clicking right now.  I’m thankful for Catch the Moment because one day 10 years from now when I look back at my blog, there won’t be a huge 2 month gap with no record of what’s been going on in our lives.

This installment of CTM includes the second half of our vacation and {UGH} it was hard going through these and narrowing them down.  It’s hard being home. It’s hard being away from my little family, as we were essentially an isolated little unit of 4 for 10 days. On an island.  It was 80 degrees.  Now I’m back in chilly Indiana and suffering from PVDD. Post Vacation Depressive Disorder.  Back to work, back to reality, one day further from those amazing sunsets.

288/365 – Wednesday, October 15th: The boys’ first time playing putt-putt.  They didn’t necessarily follow all the rules but we had fun regardless. After vacation, I laid with Theo in bed and asked him if he could go back to the beach for one more day, what he’d like to do again. He said he’d like to dig a deep hole in the sand and play golf.  I really had no clue he was enjoying it that much at the time. So sweet.10-15-14

289/365 – Thursday, October 16th: We had a cooler morning so we walked the beach down to the pier and had lunch at Angler’s Beachside Grill before going swimming for the afternoon.  Lunch and dinner views like this never get old.10-16-14

290/365 – Friday, October 17th: SOO many fun pictures to choose from for Friday, our last full day in Florida.  We enjoyed the beach, the pool, a sunset dolphin cruise, and dinner overlooking the harbor. I have a lot of photos to go through, sort out, and organize into something special for us to hold and look at for years to come.10-17-14

291/365 – Saturday, October 18th: Oh, sad day. I snapped this and a couple other quick photos of the entrance to our condo building as we were getting ready to pull out of there on Saturday morning.  I ended up not taking any more DSLR pictures that day so this will have to do. Bye-bye Sea Oats. WAAH!10-18-14

292/365 – Sunday, October 19th: We stayed at my best friend’s house on Saturday night and finished our drive home Sunday. An hour or so into the ride home, I had that feeling. I said “I don’t wanna go home yet. I feel like doin’ somethin’.” The next road sign we saw said “Lost River Cave” so we took the exit and followed the signs. 20 minutes later we were getting ready for a boat ride into a cave.  It was a fun and unexpected add-on to our trip that we all enjoyed.  The history of this place was very interesting and any nature loving person passing through Bowling Green, KY should check it out. 10-19-14

293/365 – Monday, October 20th: Back to Indiana and leaves that are changing colors and long sleeves and silly kids playing in the backyard and all that stuff.  10-20-14

294/365- Tuesday, October 21st: A little after dinner activity. At Lost River Cave on Sunday, the boys mined for gemstones.  We had a gemstone guide so we washed our stones and matched up as many of them as we could figure out. Pretty and pretty fun. 10-21-14

In case I haven’t mentioned it enough yet, waah. I miss my vacation. I want it back. This week, I think my favorite picture is day 290 – Ryan tossing Theo high into the air at the condo’s pool.  I also really like those gemstones though.  How about you – which one do you like best?


As always, I’m linking up with the hostesses of this Catch the Moment 365 project, Mindi, Sarah, and Stephanie.

catch the moment: week forty-one

I’m on vacation.  It’s our last full day here, but I didn’t want to miss a week of sharing my Catch the Moment post.  I have to say that I am pretty disappointed in the photos I’ve taken here with my DSLR. I pictured sunset sessions, catching the boys’ silhouettes with the larger-than-life sun sinking behind the horizon in the background. Well, that just hasn’t happened aside from our very first night here (and that was complete coincidence/luck). We’ve spent a few hours on the beach each day and then went out for dinner and/or some other activity, which always takes place during sunset.  Also, I had issues with my lens getting some humidity inside a couple of times so that scared me…so did the thought of dropping my camera in the sand or water.  I have taken a lot on my phone and  we bought a disposable waterproof camera that you actually have to DEVELOP. It will be fun to see those.  My plan is to compile all of my favorites, between my phone, husband’s phone, the disposable, and my DSLR, to make a sweet little memory book.  Because what I need in my life is another project…

I forgot to actually link up last week but did share a link to my last post in the private Facebook Catch the Moment group. If anyone wants to see my week 40 pics, just go to the previous post.  (I haven’t been blogging much lately – at all!)  Visit Mindi, Sarah, or Stephanie to see posts from other members of the group!

281/365 – Wednesday, October 8th: Quick trip to the park on a nice afternoon.  Looking back at this, it feels like it was 10 years ago.10-08-14

282/365 – Thursday, October 9th. Being busy with packing means late night, not good pictures.  Sorry, Niko, you don’t get to go to the beach.10-09-14

283/365 – Friday, October 10th. I finally broke down and bought the boys dual screen DVD players for the car ride.  They could not wait to get in the car and start watching movies. Really, the boys were perfect angels – I don’t know how much to attribute that to the DVD players, BUT. They did not sleep ONE wink during the whole trip. 10-10-14

284/365 – Saturday, October 11th: We broke up our drive into two segments. Friday we drove 4 hours and stayed with my best friend in Nashville. Saturday we got up and drove the remaining 7+ hours, arriving a little after 5pm. By the time we unloaded the car and got down to the beach, it was sunset. This was the first time the boys ever felt the sand on the feet and the waves on their legs.  Pure magic.10-11-14a

285/365 – Sunday, October 12th: Lounging around the condo in the morning before hitting the beach. 10-12-14

286/365 – Monday, October 13th: Batman chasing sea gulls. 10-13-14

287/365 – Tuesday, October 14th: Napping in the sand.  Does life get any better than this?  There have been multiple times this week when I thought to myself, “have I ever been more relaxed than I am RIGHT now?”  And to have this thought with my kids right next to me…what? Now THAT’S relaxed.  10-14-14

A few more vacation pictures to come next week on Catch the Moment, but I will also post more details about our trip once we get home and I am able to sort through them all better.  Which photo do you like best this week? I kind of like the one of Ryan with the boys (Day 284) in the water the best because it just represents the beginning of such a wonderful week for us.

