catch the moment 365: week thirty-four

Whoa, this might be a new Guinness Book world record for fewest pictures in a week of my boys…

Linking up with these lovelies for week 34 of Catch the Moment 365:

  1. Mindi from Simply Stavish
  2. Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer 
  3. Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming

232/365: August 20th. The sun trying to bust through a very foggy morning on my drive to work.8-20-14

233/365: August 21st. Watching a little Disney Jr before school.8-21-14

234/365: August 22nd. A 40th birthday party for our good friend Alfredo. I just love this picture of him and Brandy.  You’d never know these lovebirds had been married for 13 years. Such a sweet couple and some of our closest friends.8-22-14

235/365: August 23rd. And we got to watch their youngest daughter for a few hours on Saturday, which meant a fun trip to the splash pad on a hot, hot Saturday.8-23-14

236/365: August 24th. Our good friends took us out on their boat and after another long, hot day of being in the sun, this was about as good of a picture as I could get of these three pals. We had a blast!8-24-14

237/365: August 25th. The boys preschool schedule has my work schedule a little upside down, meaning I go in earlier on Mondays and Fridays to make up for going in later the other three days.  The advantage is that on Mondays and Fridays, I’m able to see sunrises like this on the country backroads as I drive to …..8-25-14

238/365: August 26th. Franklin, Indiana. I had planned on getting a picture of this cute area of downtown Franklin and just as I took out my camera, this stretch rolled up and got in my shot…I didn’t have time to sit there and wait for it to move on so here’s a random moment in downtown Franklin for you. 8-26-14


So weird to only have three pictures of the boys this week! My favorite three pictures this week are day 234 (Brandy and Alfredo), 235 (because she’s so pretty), and 237 (that sunrise).

How about you – which one do you like best?



catch the moment 365: week thirty-three

Over midway through August and still going strong with this project. I’m kind of shocked. It’s the only New Year’s Resolution that I’ve truly kept. I will update more on progress with the other two big resolutions soon(ish).

Let’s cut the crap and get to the photos, shall we?

Linking up with the Catch The Moment 365 gurus once again:

By the way, if anyone is interested in beginning a Project 365, it’s never too late to join in. It’s just one photo, every day, for an entire year. There’s no rule stating you have to start on January 1st!  It can be on facebook, instagram, in a blog post, or in a scrapbook.  The Catch the Moment 365 Facebook group created by the hostesses above is an incredible source of support and motivation to keep moving forward.

225/365: August 13th – A chilly 78 degrees outside for swim lessons. One kid didn’t seem to mind and the other one…well, the picture says it best!8-13-14

226/365: August 14th – Dexter helping me in the kitchen at dinner time, washing potatoes.8-14-14

227/365: August 15th – My best friend, Emily, reading to the boys. She’s so animated and they absolutely love listening to her read. They also love that she will just keep reading and reading and reading and never cut them off like I eventually do.  🙂 It’s a good thing if you have to limit the number of books every night, right?8-15-14

228/365: August 16th – Emily, Lauren, and I spent our day at WAMMfest. I was enjoying the festivities and not thinking too much about taking pictures but when we met up with a friend and her kids, I whipped out the camera for a few minutes.  I got some “better” pictures of them but for some reason this one of Paxton was a favorite of mine.  Those eyes!8-16-14

229/365: August 17th – showing off a WAMMfest purchase from my favorite vendor, Fatty Frog Pots. I am obsessed with these and drink everything out of them. I just drink for the sake of using them.


230/365: August 18th – Monday night mowing crew on the scene.


231/365: August 19th – Tuesday night haircut club. Just hangin’ out at the barber shop.8-19-14

So, how has your week been?  I kind of like all of these pictures; they all make me smile for one reason or another.  I loved the light in the barber shop (day 231).  I like the variety in the pictures this week. I think Paxton’s eyes might take the cake for me (day 228).

Which one is your favorite?



catch the moment: week thirty-two

I just realized last week as I was looking at some other 365 posts that I’m ahead by a day on my days/dates.  It was fine at the beginning of July…somewhere since then I have skipped a day ; I wonder if anyone else in the group is having trouble with this! Meh- I will figure out where I messed up eventually, because I plan to do something cool with this project – meaning (more than likely) a photo book – when it’s over.  For now, I just wanted to explain why I ended last week on day 218 and I’m also starting this week on day 218 in case any of my fellow 365ers thought I lost my marbles (likely). Whoopsy!

Every week, I link up with our Catch the Moment 365 hostesses, Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming to share one photo a day for the entire year. I know that I would not have stayed motivated without the support of the CTM365 community!

218/365: August 6, 2014 – Dexter’s first day of preschool. He’s adjusting. More about that soon. 8-06-14

219/365: August 7, 2014 – Dexter sleeping. I turned on the hall light and cracked the bedroom door to try to play with the light but didn’t have tons of luck.  By the way, you can file this under: Forgot to take a picture until about 11pm. 8-07-14

220/365: August 8, 2014 – Friday afternoon shenanigans at the library. 8-08-14

221/365: August 9, 2014. A Saturday afternoon on the lake.  As you can see here, we’ve done a great job of keeping sunscreen on Dexter’s fair little face this summer. 8-09-14

222/365: August 10, 2014.  Our day at the Indiana State Fair. A Midwestern family tradition that we love. 8-10-14

223/365: August 11, 2014.  Late, late, late night trip to the grocery.  File under: Too busy to take a picture until I had a moment alone at 10pm right in the middle of the Kroger chip aisle. As a sidenote, this was the day Robin Williams died.  🙁 His life and death were the only thing I could think about as I wandered through the store.8-11-14

224/365: August 12, 2014. Theo was proud of the “ship” he built and wanted me to take a picture of it.  Sure, son. No problem. 8-12-14


My favorite pic this week? I dunno… it has to be a tie between that first-day-of-school cutie (day 218) and the firefighting astronaut (day 220).  Which one do you like best?
