indiana state fair – 2014

A look back: state fair (2013) | state fair (2011)

First things first, we have this tradition every year that we go to the state fair (we didn’t make it there in 2012 due to being in the middle of remodeling our newly purchased home).  We take a photo inside a tractor tire. I love doing this – we have several photos that we take each year. I enjoy comparing year to year to see how the boys have grown and this is one of my favorites. Dexter hasn’t been too interested in participating with me so far. Maybe next year.

PicMonkey CollageIt’s wild to see the similarities and differences from year to year.




A pit stop at The Dairy Bar to grab a delicious grilled cheese sandwich. The boys had American on White while I enjoyed Pepper Jack on Sourdough.

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Funhouse mirror fun:IMG_2333

Last year we were disappointed that we hadn’t planned ahead for the boys to see the Monster Truck show.  We failed to plan for it again this year, but felt lucky when we discovered that it was taking place Sunday during our visit.  The boys were extremely intrigued!IMG_2349 IMG_2356 IMG_2361 IMG_2362   They enjoyed it for a while but after about 45 minutes, Theo’d had enough of the loud engines and was begging to go.  Ryan and I pouted a little and Dexter just goes with the flow so he didn’t protest. Wouldn’t you know, it wasn’t long before Mr. Grumpy Pants was passed out, fast asleep.


Since Theo kind of ruined the Monster Truck show for the rest of us, we rewarded Dexter’s good behavior by allowing him to choose a ride to ride. I was not planning to do any rides – I’m just not a fan of fair rides – I don’t trust them at all.  So this was a big deal for me, letting him ride these darn boats!IMG_2455

Theo continued sleeping for a bit longer so he missed out on the meet n greet with this Dino.  Dex was ALL ABOUT it until we got in line. Then he said “I want you to go with me, Mommy. I want you to hold me.” So I passed my camera off to Ryan and thank goodness I did… we were NOT expecting Dexter’s reaction when T-Rex roared and the lady pictured below tried to hand Dexter the dinosaur’s chain for our photo op.IMG_2472 IMG_2473It was so funny  and cute. He did get over it and smile towards the end of this brief interaction but those pictures weren’t as adorable.  After about six and a half hours we wrapped up our day at the fair. Another Midwest annual tradition done and in the books!



catch the moment: week thirty-one

For a change I can say that we’ve enjoyed a pretty low-key week. Relaxing at home, playing inside and out, visiting the local pool, and SAYWHAT!? I even crafted.  Never happens.

I’m linking up with Mindi, Sarah, and Stephanie for week 31 of this Catch the Moment 365.

7-30-14 212/365: July 30th. This is what happens when it’s 11pm and you realize you haven’t eaten dinner OR taken a picture yet today.  The boys had their first “outdoor” swim lesson, which turned into an indoor swim lesson due to rain, and on top of everything else, I realized that I broke my (old) blog on this day.

7-31-14213/365: July 31st.  Big boy FINALLY voluntarily rode his bike – kinda sorta.  He is still working on figuring out the pedaling but at least he’s showing some interest.  The bike has only been collecting dust in the garage for about 5 months now. He picked out that helmet last week so that’s sparked his interest a little.


8-1-14 214/365: August 1, 2014.  Friday night doesn’t get much more exciting than this, does it?  I love it.

8-2-14 215/365: August 2nd. I decided to make a visual reminder of Disney dreams — a savings jar for our next Disney vacation.

8-3-14a 216/365: August 3rd. Taking a snack break at the pool.

8-4-14 217/365: August 4th. A little Monday night fun in the driveway.

8-5-14218/365: August 5th.  Back to school night. Tuesday night we had parent orientation and gave Dexter one more chance to visit the school before starting pre-school the next day. This mama’s heart is breaking a little!

Hands down, my favorite photo this week is of Theo on that bike. I love the excitement and determination on his face and the memory of us cheering him on as he began to figure out the pedals.

Which is your favorite?




Holiday World 2014

So as I mentioned in my CTM365 post, we visited Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari July 17-19.  I had never heard of it before moving to Indiana and although it’s about a three hour drive, the park is promoted heavily at home on TV and radio. We had been wanting to go and had talked about it off and on for several years, so when another long-weekend trip we’d planned fell through, we quickly booked our mini-vacation to Holiday World and invited some friends to join us.

Anyway, Holiday World opened in 1946 and has grown into what it is today.  Allegedly TIME Magazine rated The Voyage the #1 Wooden Rollercoaster in the Nation* and in 2013 USA Today proclaimed Splashin’ Safari to be the Best Water Park in the USA*. {*SOURCE}I haven’t been on THAT many wooden coasters or to THAT many water parks, bu

t I’d definitely hesitate to disagree with those claims.  It. Was. Awesome. We had a blast from the time we got Thursday morning until we pulled away Saturday morning. 

Things that I want to brag on Holiday World for: 
1. Free tea, gatorade, water, soda, and lemonade all day long. Plentiful. Oasis stations at every turn.  Amazing. 
2. Free parking. All the time. 
3. While we didn’t use theirs, they do offer free sunscreen stations in the water park. 4. The water park and amusement park is all offered at one price. The sections are connected and you don’t have to leave one to go to the other. It’s all one big happy place. 
5. So clean. Immaculate. Lots of shade and just a pretty place to walk or take a look around. 
6. Tons of attractions for the little kids (at least ones that are 36″ or taller) – from mild to wild.
7. The food.  We ate lunch and dinner in the park both days along with snacks and everything that we had was GOOD.  Not just so-so but actually really good. And fairly priced.  They miss so many chances to bleed their customers dry but they don’t.  It’s a refreshing change from any other theme park I’ve been to. 
8. Everything. All the stuff.  I just loved it and can’t wait to go back. 

P.S. Am I getting paid for this mini “review” or was I given tickets? I wish. I just love it that much. On July 24th they announced the next addition to the park – their first steel coaster, the Thunderbird, new for 2015. Definitely ground-breaking and already has me looking forward to our next visit. I can’t wait for Theo to get big enough to ride roller coasters — he is already asking when he will be tall enough. My little adventurer.

Moving on from my new obsession — how about some photos?  I didn’t take a lot and while it stings a little to know that I missed a lot of great photo opportunities, I’m okay with it because I really took advantage of living in the moment and making the most of our trip. I didn’t take any photos at all around the water park but my friend was kind enough to share ones that she snapped on her phone with me. 

theo slide1

layton snoozeSomeone crashed out during the water park both days!

theo spray playdexter spray play

Karate-chopping those geysers!


Look at these little buddies riding the canoes. Big enough to ride without mom and dad. They really thought they were something — splashing each other and breaking the rules by not keeping their hands inside the boat!

Just riding some other rides:
five of us IMG_1073 IMG_1092 IMG_1094
The first place we ate in the parks (yum)…
not the first or last map study breakout session.
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End of the first night. Gorgeous weather. We got so lucky.
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Dex passed out at the water park Thursday night and I couldn’t bring myself to wake him up just to change his clothes so this is how he hung out for about 2+ hours.
L snoozin’ away.
Obligatory Holiday World posed photos:
I just love looking through all these pictures. I know these are memories that we will always treasure and look back on so fondly.  This post has gone on long enough so I’ll shut it down but psst… in case you haven’t heard, you should go to Holiday World sometime.