strawberries & fire trucks: 2014

A look back:

Strawberries & Fire Trucks: 2013
Strawberries & Fire Trucks: 2012

Apparently this festival is now a family tradition. How do we go three years in a row and not plan our return again in 2015?  We enjoyed another component of the festival this year — fireworks at 10pm.  The boys couldn’t stay up late enough the last two years but this time it worked out perfectly.

We went this year with some friends who had never been before.  The weather was comfortable – a change from the past two years when it was in the 80s and 90s.

IMG_9137 This year we went with our friends, Erin, James, and their little boy, L.

IMG_9153As I mentioned in my posts from the past 2 years, the festival is put on by the local fire department and what makes it so neat for kids is that they can see and talk to firemen and police officers, up close and personal. They also get to climb in and on fire trucks, ambulances, and even a LifeLine helicopter.

IMG_9169I know I’m feeling a little sentimental after looking at the past two years’ posts from this event, but … is it just me or does it look like Theo’s legs go on for days?? SO. BIG.


IMG_9195 Waiting for the yearly extrication demonstration – my favorite part of the fest.

IMG_9204 IMG_9212 The firefighters rescue a “victim” from a crashed vehicle by safely removing the windows and doors using the Jaws of Life.  Very neat to watch them work.

IMG_9213 IMG_9245 While they are helping their “patient,” a LifeLine helicopter lands in the field. The patient is loaded onto the helicopter, then they fly away and circle back around, landing again in the field.  Afterwards, kids can climb through and take a look at all those cool knobs and buttons.IMG_9254 IMG_9259 IMG_9268 IMG_9290 IMG_9309

IMG_9314 And let’s not forget the tastiest treat around town – strawberry shortcakes!


Yum, yum, yum.

IMG_9338 The kids played on the playground for awhile. Once it began to get dark, we found our perfect spot in the grass to watch the fireworks.

IMG_9341 IMG_9344 IMG_9371 Aside from a few fireworks that the boys saw at Disney World, I guess they’d never seen an entire “show.” They laid down flat on their backs and watch as the firecrackers exploded overhead. Their excitement and joyous exclamations each time a new color exploded above us was too cute.  Dexter even said, “Theo! It’s like we’re at Disney World!” Then my heart burst, just like those fireworks. Other than that, there was a lot of “LOOK! A BLUE one!” and “LOOK! A GOLDEN one!”  So super cute.

We had a lot of fun with our friends. The next day, Theo was still talking about the fireworks and how they were his favorite part of our very long, busy, fun day.  Another great time at the annual fire trucks and strawberry fest!!

catch the moment: week twenty-two

Linking up for Catch the Moment: Week 22 with Mindi at Simply Stavish, Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming, and Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer.

This week has been full of fun, adventure, and surprises.  Whenever I think about things that have happened in the last seven days, a few highlights (and maybe a few lows) might pop into my mind. But when I compile these posts – one tiny glimpse of each day of our lives, I realize and think about how much we really do pack into each Wednesday through Tuesday. The pictures trigger memories of other things that we did on the same day.  I thought I would be losing steam with this project by now, but the opposite is happening. I look forward to putting the posts together, even if there are many days where I’ve just grabbed the camera for the sake of having at least one pic to post from that day.

Here we go…

148/365: May 28th. Just a laid back Wednesday afternoon of coloring while dinner was cooking.  I love coloring. Before the boys, I hadn’t done it in years. Now I find myself still sitting at the table sometimes after they’ve long moved onto something else. 

149/365: May 29th.  One of those hit-the-brakes moments on my way to work when I saw this and many other beautiful poppies blooming in a field of wildflowers in front of a barn that I have photographed before.  Love this picture. 

150/365: May 30th. Friday morning drop-off at the babysitter and I spent a little extra time with the boys, letting them walk over to see the fishies.  Ryan and I decided on the spur of the moment to head to Kings Island for the day and I knew I wouldn’t see them again until the next morning. 

151/365: May 31st. Read all about Theo’s rise to stardom in this separate, dedicated blog post
152/365: June 1st. What better way to spend the beginning of June than at the strawberry patch, picking berries for the first time?  See and read more from our visit here

153/365: June 2nd. Surprise! Nothing like coming home from an otherwise disappointing Monday to find belated birthday gifts from an old friend waiting in the mailbox! 

154/365: June 3rd.  One of those hurry-up-and-take-a-pic-before-the-day-is-over pics.  But I like it. That’s my big little boy watching Sheriff Callie before dinner.
I really like all my photos again this week, but my favorite has to be that poppy in front of the barn on day 149.  So many of these pics elicit warm, happy memories for me.  Hope your week was full of warm fuzzies, too.

memorial day weekend 2014

We traveled down to Tennessee to see my mom for the long Memorial weekend. In the couple of days leading up to the trip, I started dreading the drive there and back, assuming I-65 and I-75 would be jam-packed with other travelers. Luckily it wasn’t too bad and we made good time going both ways.

We got there late Friday night. First thing on my agenda for Saturday was to drop off my rings to get that missing diamond replaced.  I am getting them sized down and a couple other little things done so I’ve been without them for a week now. Feels like part of me is missing! Can’t wait to get them back on my finger, fitting and looking better than ever. Nothing like an extreme close-up of your wrinkles to get you feeling really old…

My mom runs the office at a propane gas company and they just moved into their beautiful new facility so we were excited to get the full tour. 

Afterwards, we went to the duck pond to feed the ducks and geese, then played for a bit before going to grab some lunch at my favorite local /small chain restaurant, Petro’s. A must-do attraction EVERY time I’m in town. The boys were melting down by the time we ate lunch so I wasn’t in the mood to try to take pics of that delicious meal.

Ready to feed the duckies!

The rest of the day was perfect for relaxing at my mom’s and decorating a cake with jelly beans. 

Sunday we ate at another of my favorite local restaurants. Why am I so obsessed with food?
After lunch, we just went to the mall and Target. Typical Sunday, regardless of where we are, right?  We’d actually planned on going to a cute park but it started to rain just as we left Riverview Grill.  Rats. 
I didn’t take many pictures on Sunday. We spent the evening hanging out at mom’s. Coloring. Eating. Watching TV.  See, typical Sunday!
Monday – Memorial Day – we took another shot at that park and it was a great time to go. There was almost no one there when we got there around 10am.  

After playing, we grabbed lunch at yet another local delight by the interstate – Harrison’s Grill. One of those experiences that exceeds every expectation. Good prices, great food. Everyone loved their meal. The boys behaved and cleaned their plates.  After only eating so-so all weekend, I was glad to see them get some goodness in their bellies before the long drive home.  We ended a great, albeit short, trip on a good note and hit the road to get back home. 