catch the moment 365: week thirteen

Well, shoot. Another week went by with no posts other than the Catch the Moment weekly link-up with Mindi at Simply Stavish, Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming.  I guess I’ve been kinda busy but not with anything spectacular.  No complaints. Our babysitter has been on vacation so our routine has been mixed up a bit. The boys are enjoying the variety. Two days with us, two days with their former sitter, and three days with their cousin at Nana and Pop Pop’s.

This week was more about getting through and trying not to forget to take a photo every day, hence the less than spectacular photos you see below. While they are nothing you’d see at an art gallery, I like them. They represent our life!

85/365: March 26th.  Last drop off at the sitter before she went on vacation.  This is what I get – SERIOUSLY – every time I try to get a decent picture of them together.  Pathetic. Unposed shots always turn out much better.

86/365: March 27th. We visited Big Splash Adventure a couple of hours away. The boys had a blast. I’ll attempt to do a dedicated post eventually…

87/365: March 28th. I made Ryan pull over so I could snag a shot of this covered bridge on our drive home from the indoor water park. 

88/365: March 29th.  Loungin’ around on a lazy Saturday.

89/365: March 30th.  Ohhh, if only life’s toughest decisions were which bricks to buy at the Lego store.

90/365: March 31st. Sweaty. Stinky. Red-faced. Exhausted. Happy.  It was a good day.
91/365: April 1st. Dinner with friends and the three silly boys carried around limes, sucking on them. Sillies.

Days 86 & 89 are my favorite this week.  Which ones do you like?


catch the moment 365: week twelve

Back with another week’s worth of photos for Catch the Moment 365, hosted by Mindi at Simply Stavish, Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming.

Week 12 … that doesn’t sound like the beginning of 2014 anymore.  We are well into this year and well into this project.  I didn’t feel like I had been super inspired this week to take photos, but looking back through the moments I captured, I realized that this is what it’s all about – picking up the camera when I normally wouldn’t to freeze otherwise forgettable and ordinary moments in time. Lots of pictures of the boys and typical day to day things to share with you this week.

Day 78: March 19th. Theo’s 4 year check up. He was mad about wearing that gown.

Day 79: March 20th. We walked over to the pond after I picked the boys up from the babysitter to look for fishies.  They’re still hiding.

Day 80: March 21st. On the way home, Dexter wanted his window down. He was worried CG would fly out the window so he held on to him tight. (Yes, I was at a stop sign when I took this photo).

Day 81: March 22nd.  Visiting friends and playing…kitchen knight? Okay!

Day 82: March 23rd. Angel Lush. A classic recipe I had never made before. So light and delicious!

Day 83: March 24th. Batman was pretty happy with his new pajamas and sunglasses (because when he’s Batman, he’s “Batman” – don’t you even think about calling him Dexter!)

Day 84: March 25th. Theo asked to go to the library after dinner. How could we say no?  We couldn’t, obviously!
What’s your favorite pic this week? I really like Theo at his check-up (day 78), Dexter squeezing Curious George (day 80), and Batman (day 83).  Oh, okay, and the boys in the fire truck (day 84). So I said all that to say that I really suck at picking a favorite photo. But that’s a good thing, right?

catch the moment: week eleven

Eleven weeks down, 41 to go!  All in all, it was a good week.

Linking up for Catch the Moment 365 with the hostesses with the mostesses, Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming.

71/365: March 12th. Wednesday afternoon around 2pm I got a call from Theo’s school saying he was sick and had thrown up in his classroom.  He was feeling pretty bad when I picked him up at 2:20 so I made a sick couch for him and he watched a movie while I continued to work from home.  By the time dinner was over, he was running around like normal and acting like nothing ever happened! Sorry that he had such an upset tummy, but immensely relieved that this was not a bug that overtook our entire household. In and out!

72/365: March 13th. Since Theo was fine, there was no reason to cancel his 8am dentist appointment on Thursday morning. It went well (no cavities!) and we brought Dexter along with us so he could observe. He has his first appointment coming up in May. 

73/365: March 14th.  After I picked up the boys from the babysitter on Friday afternoon, Dexter said “mommy, I don’t wanna go home. Let’s do somefin.” I asked him what he wanted to do and he said “let’s eat somefin, I’m starving!”  So …. it’s Friday, why not?  Frozen yogurt before dinner? Sure!
74/365: March 15th. The boys begged to nap in our big bed while watching a cartoon…this is Dexter’s attempt to pretend he’s sleeping.  Neither ever went to sleep in our bed. Dexter ended up napping in his room and Theo ran errands with daddy.  (I might have napped a bit).

75/365: March 16th.  Sunday morning grocery run and I saw this cute little springy sign in the floral department. Yes, I took my DSLR to the grocery store, just in case!

76/375: March 17th. Dexter helping with the cookies.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
77/375: March 18th. Sunrise on my way to work Tuesday morning – worth pulling over for!
That’s it – nothing too extraordinary happened but that’s okay with me.  Boring is nice. This week, my favorite picture has to be day 77, the sunrise.  Which one do you like best?