catch the moment 365: week two

It was back to somewhat normal routines after a couple of weeks of Christmas break topped off by a few snow days.  Getting back into the groove of the daily grind was a little tricky at best.  Luckily the boys’ first week back to reality was only three days long before two more “mommy & daddy days.”  Unfortunately we started the first full week with more illness.  When is enough enough? Because we’ve had enough!

8/365: January 8. Bathtime = Playtime.

9/365: January 9.  Frozen tundra.
10/365: January 10. Time sheet day.  It’s not every day that you get to use correction tape.

11/365: January 11. De-Christmasing the house. Plastic, shatter-proof ornaments are basically the best thing ever when you have little kids.

12/365: January 12.  The great thaw.  Finally, a sunny warm(er) day to melt the foot of snow.
13/365:  January 13. They actually cooperated with posing together – they just wanted to show off their coordinating shirts.

14/365:  January 14. Sick day home with mommy. 
Which is your favorite picture from this week?  I kind of like day 14 – Theo’s sweet, baby, innocent face.  Why can’t my skin be that perfect? I don’t get to stare at him being still for very long most of the time.  I also love the colors of the ornaments on day 11. 


catch the moment 365: week one

Here is the first of (hopefully) 52 weekly posts showcasing 1 photo for each day of 2014. I’ve decided to link up with others participating in the Catch the Moment 365 (co-hosted by my friend Mindi at Simply Stavish) for moral support and inspiration.  This first week is a bit of an odd one for us because I didn’t have to work on any of the days below.  I was scheduled off work the first 5 days of the year and the other two were snow days due to the crazy arctic conditions and foot of snow we experienced here in central Indiana.

1/365: January 1.  On our way to Tennessee for Christmas with my family.

2/365: January 2.  My pretty niece Penelope in front of my mom’s tree.

3/365: January 3. Theo making his big decision at Build-a-Bear.

4/365: January 4. Pit stop on the way home at Circle K.

5/365: January 5. Milk mustache.

6/365: January 6. The silliest of buddies.
7/365: Still acting silly, 24 hours later. Same antics, different pajamas.

One week down, 51 to go.  Which photo was your favorite from this week?  Mine has to be day 5, Theo’s milk mustache. I don’t know what it is, but the innocence in this picture speaks volumes to me.  THIS picture is the reason for doing a Project 365.  Capturing the sweet moments that would otherwise be lost forever. (Although days 6 and 7 would have to be very close, because HOW CUTE ARE THOSE BROS?).


snow days: 2014 style

Click below for depressing fun flashbacks:
snow: 2013 style
snow: 2011 style (itty bitty baby Theo!)

We got home from Christmas at my mom’s just in time to avoid having to drive in the blizzard conditions we’ve been experiencing here in the Midwest.  Throughout the day on Sunday, snow fell and we accumulated 12 inches.  Yesterday, wind chills were -40.  Ryan asked me if I wanted to go outside to see what -40 felt like.

No thanks.  Today we’ve warmed up to a nice -28 wind chill.  I’ve never experienced such meteorological madness! Luckily these insane temps are only expected to last these 2 days and then we’re supposed to get back up above zero.  Thank goodness, my office has been closed these two days and Ryan is able to work from home.  I can’t even imagine getting the boys out in this weather. I remember driving to work in scary snowy conditions a couple of years ago and I’m glad that I no longer have to contend with that stress and danger. Get to the point, right?  Sunday, while the snow was falling from the sky, a guilt fell over me as well.  I knew the boys would ask to play in the snow and that it would be way too cold by Monday for them to do so.  As much as I HATE the snow and the cold, I suggested playing outside and the boys jumped on the opportunity.  Theo got out much quicker than Dexter did and I had to get my camera out of the weather because it was getting too wet so I didn’t get many pics of my blondie bear.

Only Ryan gets credit for this awesome snowman.

Other than our fun in the snow, we’ve just been inside watching movies, snuggling, and playing Legos, Jake, and Batman. And eating. And just being generally lazy.  It’s like the best thing ever. 

Time for haircuts. Again.

The boys have been getting along and behaving surprisingly well considering we’re on our 4th day home. I think the LOAD of Christmas presents they’ve received in the last 2 weeks must be helping.  I’ve been playing with my camera, getting away from Auto and into Manual.

So what if our house looks like this?

Hope you’re staying warm.  Unless you’re at the beach. Then I hope it’s just unseasonably cold there. 
Just kidding.
Kind of.