catch the moment: week thirty-two

I just realized last week as I was looking at some other 365 posts that I’m ahead by a day on my days/dates.  It was fine at the beginning of July…somewhere since then I have skipped a day ; I wonder if anyone else in the group is having trouble with this! Meh- I will figure out where I messed up eventually, because I plan to do something cool with this project – meaning (more than likely) a photo book – when it’s over.  For now, I just wanted to explain why I ended last week on day 218 and I’m also starting this week on day 218 in case any of my fellow 365ers thought I lost my marbles (likely). Whoopsy!

Every week, I link up with our Catch the Moment 365 hostesses, Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming to share one photo a day for the entire year. I know that I would not have stayed motivated without the support of the CTM365 community!

218/365: August 6, 2014 – Dexter’s first day of preschool. He’s adjusting. More about that soon. 8-06-14

219/365: August 7, 2014 – Dexter sleeping. I turned on the hall light and cracked the bedroom door to try to play with the light but didn’t have tons of luck.  By the way, you can file this under: Forgot to take a picture until about 11pm. 8-07-14

220/365: August 8, 2014 – Friday afternoon shenanigans at the library. 8-08-14

221/365: August 9, 2014. A Saturday afternoon on the lake.  As you can see here, we’ve done a great job of keeping sunscreen on Dexter’s fair little face this summer. 8-09-14

222/365: August 10, 2014.  Our day at the Indiana State Fair. A Midwestern family tradition that we love. 8-10-14

223/365: August 11, 2014.  Late, late, late night trip to the grocery.  File under: Too busy to take a picture until I had a moment alone at 10pm right in the middle of the Kroger chip aisle. As a sidenote, this was the day Robin Williams died.  🙁 His life and death were the only thing I could think about as I wandered through the store.8-11-14

224/365: August 12, 2014. Theo was proud of the “ship” he built and wanted me to take a picture of it.  Sure, son. No problem. 8-12-14


My favorite pic this week? I dunno… it has to be a tie between that first-day-of-school cutie (day 218) and the firefighting astronaut (day 220).  Which one do you like best?



catch the moment: week thirty-one

For a change I can say that we’ve enjoyed a pretty low-key week. Relaxing at home, playing inside and out, visiting the local pool, and SAYWHAT!? I even crafted.  Never happens.

I’m linking up with Mindi, Sarah, and Stephanie for week 31 of this Catch the Moment 365.

7-30-14 212/365: July 30th. This is what happens when it’s 11pm and you realize you haven’t eaten dinner OR taken a picture yet today.  The boys had their first “outdoor” swim lesson, which turned into an indoor swim lesson due to rain, and on top of everything else, I realized that I broke my (old) blog on this day.

7-31-14213/365: July 31st.  Big boy FINALLY voluntarily rode his bike – kinda sorta.  He is still working on figuring out the pedaling but at least he’s showing some interest.  The bike has only been collecting dust in the garage for about 5 months now. He picked out that helmet last week so that’s sparked his interest a little.


8-1-14 214/365: August 1, 2014.  Friday night doesn’t get much more exciting than this, does it?  I love it.

8-2-14 215/365: August 2nd. I decided to make a visual reminder of Disney dreams — a savings jar for our next Disney vacation.

8-3-14a 216/365: August 3rd. Taking a snack break at the pool.

8-4-14 217/365: August 4th. A little Monday night fun in the driveway.

8-5-14218/365: August 5th.  Back to school night. Tuesday night we had parent orientation and gave Dexter one more chance to visit the school before starting pre-school the next day. This mama’s heart is breaking a little!

Hands down, my favorite photo this week is of Theo on that bike. I love the excitement and determination on his face and the memory of us cheering him on as he began to figure out the pedals.

Which is your favorite?




catch the moment 365: week twenty-nine

Another week of summer has zoomed by and this one was filled with fun and festivities – our first trip to a semi-local amusement park, Ryan’s birthday. As much fun as we had, there was a shadow of sadness as the anniversary of my father’s death passed once again.

Linking up with Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming for week 29 of this fun, year-long project.

7-16-14 198/365: July 16th. The night before our road trip down to Southern Indiana to visit Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari. Wednesday night before we left, the kids were SO excited.  I don’t think Dexter fell asleep until after 11pm. And then was awake before 6am. WHAT.

7-17-14199/365: July 17th. The sun setting over Holiday World.  I was sitting with Dexter as he slept in the stroller while the others rode a ride or two.  I didn’t take a lot of pictures at Holiday World, sadly. But that’s alright – I was busy having fun with my babies and friends.  I posted a separate post about our trip.

7-18-14200/365: July 18th.  We ended our second day at the park by running around and hitting every ride that the kids could ride but hadn’t yet.  Loved the lights on their old carousel.  Holiday World has been around since 1946!


7-19-14 201/365: July 19th. We camped at the adjacent Lake Rudolph Campground and RV Resort in this RV. I took a few pics of the RV inside and out as we were packing up to leave on Saturday morning. I never got around to taking any more pictures that day.

7-20-14 202/365: July 20th. Ryan’s birthday. We celebrated at Ryan’s parents’ house with a little chocolate cake decorated like a watermelon. The boys thought it was too cute.  I figured Nana would have some candles so I didn’t bring any but she didn’t so we had imaginary ones. It was just as fun.

7-21-14 203/365: July 21st. Back to life. Back to reality. Bedtime on Monday night.  One word. ROUGH.

7-22-14a 204/365: July 22nd. Theo building a Lego creation after we got home from work & the babysitter.

7-23-14205/365: July 23rd. The 7th anniversary of my dad’s death. A few weeks earlier, my friend and I had planned to meet for dinner on this day. All day I was feeling down and having second thoughts but it was a nice distraction and good to reconnect since we hadn’t been able to meet, just the two of us, since April.  We ate at Mesh on Mass and I couldn’t resist this appetizer that did NOT disappoint:  MILK AND HONEY CROSTINI: CAPRIOLE SOPHIA GOAT CHEESE / BAGUETTE / PICKLED BLACKBERRY / SWEET LIFE FARMS HONEY

Favorite pic of the week? Hmm. I can almost taste that crostini when I look at the picture. The Holiday World pictures are probably my favorite though as they represent such fun, new family/friend memories.

Does any one photo stand out for you this week?
