catch the moment 365: week nineteen

Shew, what a week!  My birthday, Dexter’s first trip to the dentist, Mother’s Day, and Dexter’s birthday. All jammed into 7 days. We’ve got Dexter’s little birthday party coming up this weekend so the crazy, fun chaos that comes with this time of year continues.

127/365: May 7th. Strawberry margarita = happy birthday to me!

128/365: May 8th. Dexter’s first trip to the dentist. He was a little nervous, but did great!

129/365: May 9th. On my way home from work.

130/365: May 10th. At the park. 

131/365: May 11th. Mother’s Day. Dexter watching and waiting for his turn to ride Pop Pop’s tractor.

132/365: May 12th. Dexter had a fever all day Sunday and then Monday started throwing up. Pretty sad state of affairs for someone getting ready to celebrate his 3rd birthday.

133/365: May 13th. Dexter’s Birthday!  After puking 10 times in 12 or so hours, he took a long nap and woke up feeling so much better.  Thank goodness. I just made a quick box cake (orangesicle). Ryan and I thought it was delicious but the boys weren’t too impressed. B-day fail. Not the happiest birthday around here by a mile. 
127, 128, and 130 are my favorite pics this week – that beautiful drink, Dexter at the dentist, and Theo swinging upside down at the park. Of course I like the one of Dexter’s birthday but honestly it’s just not my favorite picture this week.  Womp, womp. Downer of a day. You know, I kind of think that sky on day 129 deserves an honorable mention. Not a bad photo week overall, huh?
Which photo do you like best this week? 

catch the moment 365: week eighteen

Yay for the month of May! We are getting closer to summer and further away from that putrid winter that couldn’t end soon enough.  We have been busy having fun and spending time outside on the really nice days.

Linking up again this week with Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming.

120/365: April 30th.  Sea of Legos.  Cute boys working side by side. Not always as harmoniously as what you see here.

121/365: May 1st.  The first day of my favorite month of the year! Unfortunately, it was kind of cold and dreary. Dexter thought it would be a good day to snuggle up with monkey and watch a movie. Apparently our kitty, Niko, thought so too!

122/365: May 2nd. We didn’t have a whole lot going on Friday night.  Played at the gym for awhile, grabbed some Wendy’s for dinner, picked up some party supplies for Dexter’s birthday, and finally went home to color and play with Play-doh til bedtime.

123/365: May 3rd. Ploppin’ pepperonis on our homemade pizza. And poppin’ a few in their mouths simultaneously. 

124/365: May 4th. Tired (and heavy) little boy wanted to be carried for most of our 2 mile nature hike. Makes for a great workout. 
125/365: May 5th. We had an impromptu dinner with friends and I got to spend some time with this wonderful girl.

126/365: May 6th. This is cute, y’all.  One of Theo’s favorite things at school is stringing beads or making bracelets and necklaces. I am getting quite an extensive collection of handmade jewelry. Every day when Dexter sees that I am wearing a pretty new (always pink/purple) bracelet, he asks for one. But he makes sure to tell Theo that he wants his to be blue and red.  Months of this, you guys.  Months.  Well, on day 126, Theo FINALLY remembered to make Dexter a bracelet of his own. It made Dexter’s day and just about made me cry.  Ssssooo sweet. 
That does it for this week. Which photo is your favorite of these seven? Is it wrong if I say my favorites are 123, 124, 125, and 126? What can I say…it was a great week. 

catch the moment 365: week seventeen

We are getting spoiled with all the wonderful weather we’ve had. I’m starting to believe wholeheartedly that we’re doomed to have crappy weather on the day of Dexter’s outdoor birthday party (coming up in a couple weeks!)  Can’t control it, so why worry about it right now?  Currently, we’re just taking each day for what it is and enjoying the season before hot weather takes over. 

Linking up with Mindi at Simply Stavish, Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming, and Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer for week 17 of Catch the Moment 365. It’s not too late to jump in!

113/365: April 23rd.  I was floored when I received this sweet card and gift card from the team I work with. I’m not an administrative professional but they wanted to thank me anyway since there’s not a “Care Coordinator Day.”  YET. Hallmark’s workin’ on it.

114/365: April 24th. Thursday night date with my friend Brandy at the bowling alley. She smoked me, twice, but I didn’t care. We had a blast talking and felt like rebels…sneaking out at 9pm after the kids were in bed. This is how a couple of moms get CRAZY.

115/365: April 25th. A trip to the park in the afternoon. I love the nervous concentration on his face as he navigated across small swaying platforms.

116/365: April 26th.  Another trip to the park on Saturday with a friend. She looks like she’s feeling some of that same nervousness as she climbed up a high, curving ladder.

117/365: April 27th.  Sometimes I wonder what they are talking about when they are just out of earshot. Sometimes I don’t want to know. I like that they are brothers and buddies and I hope it’s always that way.
118/365: April 28th. I bought a giant ham on Saturday and made a few meals out of it. This simple ham pasta was a huge hit! So savory and mmmm…comfort food to the max.
119/365: April 29th.  Hard to believe May is almost here…one month makes a big difference. I’m pretty sure temps were still below freezing a month ago and now everything is blooming and/or turning green. This is my favorite time of year!
The nature / landscape shots are becoming a favorite of mine…I do like day 119 this week! I also love day 117 because this is so typical of the boys these days. They love playing Legos…sometimes they don’t always play so well together, but when they do, my heart nearly bursts.  I love that they have each other and that their relationship continues to grow and evolve. 
Which photo is your favorite this week? 