Shew, what a week! My birthday, Dexter’s first trip to the dentist, Mother’s Day, and Dexter’s birthday. All jammed into 7 days. We’ve got Dexter’s little birthday party coming up this weekend so the crazy, fun chaos that comes with this time of year continues.
Project 365
catch the moment 365: week eighteen
Yay for the month of May! We are getting closer to summer and further away from that putrid winter that couldn’t end soon enough. We have been busy having fun and spending time outside on the really nice days.
Linking up again this week with Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming.
catch the moment 365: week seventeen
We are getting spoiled with all the wonderful weather we’ve had. I’m starting to believe wholeheartedly that we’re doomed to have crappy weather on the day of Dexter’s outdoor birthday party (coming up in a couple weeks!) Can’t control it, so why worry about it right now? Currently, we’re just taking each day for what it is and enjoying the season before hot weather takes over.
Linking up with Mindi at Simply Stavish, Stephanie at Behind the Camera and Dreaming, and Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer for week 17 of Catch the Moment 365. It’s not too late to jump in!