strawberries & fire trucks: 2013

I always think about why I started this blog…so I could go back and re-read the things I knew I’d forget and to have a place where I can organize my photos into a virtual scrapbook.  It’s all about preserving the memories.

Tonight, I look back 52 weeks to the 2012 White River Township Strawberry Festival HERE.  Theo certainly looks small in these pictures, but little Dexter was just under 13 months old a year ago.  Now at almost 25 months, he’s a completely different little person who is developing his own interests, talking, running, asking good questions, saying cute and funny things, and peeing and pooping in the potty on a fairly regular basis.  He’s still the happiest boy you’ll ever meet and still loves to eat whatever you put in front of him…but the pictures from a year ago are kind of a sad reminder that he’s really not a little baby anymore.  Still my little boy, but he’s growing up fast.  They both are.

And with that sentimental interlude out of the way, let’s talk about tonight.  The 21st Annual White River Township Fire Department Strawberry Festival.  Ever since I realized this was coming up, I have been so looking forward to going again with the boys.  Dexter enjoyed it last year, but this year I knew he would like it even more.  And all Theo has been talking about is strawberry shortcake!

If I’d had it my way, we would have just followed that fancy homemade sign right on in to the school cafeteria but nooooo, these kids wanted to see some fire trucks.  Alright, alright. 

Every time Dexter got in or near one of the fire trucks, he asked “how do we turn it on?”  Not sure if he was talking about the lights and sirens or if he was just ready to take these trucks for a spin around the block.

Dear Fire People:  Sorry about all your settings on every single truck.  You really shouldn’t let little kids climb up in there if you’re expecting things to be the same when you get back in… this kid is a dedicated switch-flipper, a knob-turner, and a button-pusher!

Oh nothin…just talkin’ about brother stuff.  

“How do we turn it on?”

Isn’t he huge?  Absolutely, positively giant?  I’m sure I won’t think so when I look back at these photos a year from now, but today…this kid is huge.  And this is probably my favorite pic of the night. P.S. He’s huge.

Free entertainment. 

Dexter is such a little hot body.  See how red his face gets when he plays?  He’s always been hot-natured, even as a newborn.  That’s definitely something he gets from his dad. He needed a stroller & water break from the bouncy slide.

I finally convinced them to go with me to get some grub and we ran into our friends.  Dexter was lying down with his head on B’s stomach being all cute, and of course he gets up as soon as I grab my camera. STORY OF MY LIFE!

Same yummy food this year.  Neither of the boys could get enough corn on the cob.  

Or this yummy goodness.  I mean, really. It was SO good. 

“Hold me.” 

After we ate, we hurried back outside to watch the extrication demonstration. The firefighters and paramedics removed the glass from the windows and used the jaws of life to cut a “victim” out of a van that had JUST crashed. (Not really, duh).  Complete with Lifeline helicopter rescue. Pretty cool demo.

Theo grabbed a spot on the grass as soon as the helicopter landed and watched the EMS people load their “victim” into the chopper.  It took off, circled around, came back, and landed so we could take a closer look.

The boys’ pretty little friend, M, was the only one who cooperated for pictures sitting on the side of the helicopter. The boys were a little too interested in all those knobs and buttons.

We love that this festival is held at an elementary school where we can take advantage of the awesome playground amenities.

As our friends left to head home, Theo said he wanted to go down “that red slide.”  When we walked over to it, he stood there, kicking the mulch.  I said, “Theo, what’s wrong? Go down the slide.”  He looked up at me, exhausted, and said quietly, “let’s just go home.”  
What a fun-filled evening!  I hope this will become an annual family tradition. I plan on going every year until the boys tell me they don’t like it anymore.  And friends?  That will be a sad, sad day.
That day is not today, so happy weekend!

toddler behavior fun

Theo has been a bit of a handful at times lately.  In case you don’t know what that means, it’s a gross understatement.  Use your imagination.  I literally started reading parenting classes curriculum in search of some magical remedy, not to mention wondering what the heck we’ve done so wrong thus far with discipline and whatnot.  He’s just a moody, sensitive child that needs structure, routine, and hard rules sometimes. Dexter has never been that way. At Dexter’s 2 year check-up we told the doctor that Dexter has been a breeze (as far as behavior is concerned) compared to Theo.  He was surprised that Dexter wasn’t in the midst of full-blown Terrible 2s and we said “hey, don’t jinx us dude.”  Or something like that.

Well, well, well, well.

March 2013

Mr. Dexy Poo has been giving us a run for our money these last few days.  Crazy fits, ear-piercing screams, not listening, telling us he does things “because I want to” after we ask him why he’s throwing this or breaking that, etc.  It’s been a little nutso.  Luckily, Theo has been a dream this lovely long weekend.  Helpful, sweet, and so smart. I think he’s really matured a lot lately. His thought process has been changing.  His understanding of more complex matters is increasing.  It’s so fascinating to observe and participate in all these changes.  Good thing, because I don’t think I could handle tantruming toddlers x2.

Sunday morning we were trying to get out the door and Dexter was underfoot in the kitchen. The kid would NOT get out of my way.  He was opening and slamming every cabinet door and drawer.  I sternly told him to stop or leave the kitchen and he started screaming back at me. WHO IS THIS KID?  Theo walked over to him and patted his back and said “Dexter, Dexter, don’t do that.  Be nice. I’m trying to save you.”  I had to laugh and ask Theo what he was saving Dexter from.  “Getting in trouble,” he said with a smile.  He’s becoming such a good big brother.

Dexter is now just shy of 2 years and 1 month old and we’ve seen no sign of a 2 year molar yet.  But he’s super crabby and protests toothbrush time pretty consistently so fingers are crossed here for some big ugly teeth making their way through sometime soon.

March 2013. Can someone please remind me why I chopped their hair off??
Brothers.  Best pals.


time for your catch-up

I’ve had that dang Doc McStuffins song stuck in my head for weeks. So random since my kids don’t watch it. I secretly try to push it on them because I think it’s such a cute show.

That’s totally not the point of this post.  I’m just a little bit behind on thing that have been happening so I wanted to jot a few things down.

Last Monday Dexter peed in the potty!  He always pees as soon as I put him in the tub for a bath so I try to remember to sit him on the toilet first. Never worked before, but he’s peed on the potty a few times since Monday.  I’m not ready to go full force potty training him because I think he can control releasing it. But not holding it.  I know that makes no sense to you, but it makes sense to me. I told Theo that I hoped he started pooping on the potty before Dexter did and guess what? Wednesday night, Theo pooped on the potty at home for the first time.  He did it once on April Fools Day (how appropriate) at the babysitter’s but this was the first time at home. He hasn’t done it again but hey. It’s some kind of progress.  Hard to believe my little pals are getting so big.

Oh, and Dexter says “peed” for pee “peeding” for peeing.  I guess because he so often hears “peed in the potty.”  So now he says “I’m peeding!”  It’s really funny and cute. No?  Guess you have to be there.

In the car, Theo oftentimes will ask me why Dexter does something or doesn’t do something and I’ll direct him to ask Dexter.  It cracks me up when Theo says Dexter’s name repeatedly until Dexter makes eye contact with him. This isn’t easy to do because they both have to kind of look around the sides of their carseats to see each other.  If Dexter doesn’t look at Theo or say anything, Theo will say “Dexter, say ‘what'” before asking his question.  Dexter ignores him half the time to push his buttons – I know this because he gets a very mischievous grin on his face.  Dexter has a lot of faces.  I’ll have to try to get some of his trademark smirks on my camera because I sure don’t want to forget them.  Theo even knows the faces now, because he’ll say “What is THAT face, Dexter?”

Theo’s picked up on a lot of the things I say.  I’ll ask him a question and he’ll answer “I have no clue” or “I have no idea” and I’ll think to myself, where did he hear that? Not five minutes later, I’ll realize I’m saying it too.  Cute.

I have a cold and it’s really been annoying because I was so determined to complete C25K before this Saturday, when I run my first 5k.  I tried to run yesterday and only made it 15 minutes.  Week 9 Day 1 of a 9 week program and I had my first failed workout.  I just couldn’t breathe and figured it wasn’t worth pushing myself and making myself sicker.  From the beginning, I’ve said I would repeat any failed workout but I definitely won’t finish if I do that.  We’ll see what happens with my cold the rest of the week, but right now my main priority is just getting better by Saturday morning at 8am.  I think I’m going to be really disappointed in myself if I don’t run the whole thing.

Ryan and I are heading to Kings Island for a fun date day tomorrow!
