conversations with Theo

This morning, Theo came into our bedroom with his pillow pet and his kanket and asked to get in bed with us.  I love these rare snuggles from my almost three year old boy so of course I obliged.  We were stretching our arms upward in the morning light and comparing the sizes of our hands.

Me:  Your hands are getting big.  One day they will be bigger than mommy’s.  Did you know that?
Theo:  Uh huh! But I don’t have a ring on like you and daddy.
Me:  That’s true.  Do you know why?
Theo: Why?
Me:  Because you’re not married.  Do you think you’ll grow up and marry a girl someday?
Theo: I don’t know.
{The future grandmother in} Me:  Then you can have lots of babies!
Theo:  You know what I’m gonna do when I get bigger?
Me:  What?
Theo:  Reach up in the cabinet and get my own snack and shut the door!
Me: Oh! Well, yes you will be able to do that when you get bigger.  What else?
Theo: Get the remote and turn on the t.v. and watch a movie!  And when I get big again, I’m gonna poop in the potty!

Hopefully not in that order.


cute things

Theo loses a little bit of his baby-ness every day so I’m trying to keep track of some of the cute things he says and does before they fade away.  Dexter is just now really talking in short sentences but is pretty cute too, I suppose.

I like how Theo calls crayons “crayleons.”
And ambulances are “ambliances.”

I like how Dexter claps his hands and says “yay! I deeeed it!” whenever he’s proud of himself.

I like how Dexter randomly grabs my cheeks and pulls me in to kiss him on the lips.

And how he says “I wuv eee.”  Sometimes to me and his dad, but mostly to his stuffed animals when he looks deep into their eyes.

I like how I can tell Theo to talk to Dexter when he’s crying and Theo sweetly says “Dexter, it’s okay. Don’t cry buddy.”  Even more, I like how Dexter listens to him.

I like how obsessed Theo is with Toy Story, and how he carries that 4” tall Woody around with him EVERYWHERE he goes. (I don’t like looking frantically for Woody’s hat 6x a day when it’s lost…super glue anyone?).

I like how Dexter wakes up with a smile on his face

I like how Theo is refusing to sit in his booster seat because he’s just too cool and old for that.

I like how Theo calls Penelope “Pepelome.”

I like how Dexter says lollipop…“Peepop.”

I like how Dexter decides it’s bedtime most nights by announcing “I want milk!”  He’ll stand in front of me, repeating this until I stand up.  As soon as I get up, he runs to the kitchen.  When I start getting the milk out, I’ll ask him if he’s ready for bed and he says “uh huh!” He’ll go get his favorite blanket and start telling daddy and Theo “nigh nigh!”  So cute.

I like how both boys call their favorite blanket “kanket.”  Dexter definitely stole that one from Theo.

Dexter loves to color and asks to do so almost every day.  “I wanna kuh-lah!”

P.S.  I like them. 


Added on 1/30:  Instead of saying he “forgot” something, Theo says he “got-for.”  Love it! 

now or never

We had big plans of going to Tennessee to visit our one-week-new niece, Penelope, this weekend but both boys had colds and by Friday, it seemed that Theo’s was getting worse instead of better.  Turns out, it’s just a junky cough that has not changed one.bit. since late Thursday night.  He acts like he feels fine so who knows if it was/is anything contagious.  Dexter hasn’t (yet) developed a cough.  We worried about the car ride, them sleeping somewhere else, and mainly, that Penelope would catch it.  As much as I wanted to go to Tennessee, I knew the right thing to do was to stay away from a 5 day old baby while the kids were not 100%.  Despite being super bummed, we made the most of our weekend.  Friday afternoon the weather was nice so we took the opportunity to play outside and go for a quick wagon ride.  Unfortunately we only made it about four houses down the road where a few neighbors were gathered, chatting. Even though I really wanted to bust on down the road and burn some calories, I stood and chatted for a few minutes as well.  Afterwards, Theo was ready to go back home.

Saturday we mainly relaxed around the house doing stuff like this:

then ventured out at dinnertime for Cheeseburger in Paradise.  COASTAL TACOS, y’all!!

I remembered a Groupon I bought for a bouncy place so we took advantage of that today.  The boys just loved it.  I was excited because I remembered taking Malachi (my nephew) when he was three and sweating to the oldies right there with him.  I figured we’d all get some exercise.  I was figured right about that part.  I figured we’d stay for about an hour. I figured wrong.  We were there almost two hours.  I was begging the boys for a break, “hey, aren’t you thirsty? Don’t you need a sip of water?”  Really, it was a lot of fun.

I couldn’t hear him, but I know this face + clap = “Yay! I deeed it!”
quite possibly Theo’s favorite part

After almost 2 hours of bouncing, we went across the street to Bajio, where we had a coupon. Can you tell I love a deal?

Woody was the only one that didn’t have a hard time staying awake on the way home.  Also? Maybe one of my favorite pictures. EVER.

It was almost 2 by the time we got home and the boys were bushed.  I have been telling myself since January 1st that I was going to re-join the gym.  I snuck back out as soon as we got Dexter in bed and joined the Y.

 Since I had worn my yoga pants to the bounce place, I figured I may as well take advantage of the facilities and get in a little work out.  I only did 35 minutes on the elliptical.  I only burned 220 calories.  I kept telling myself how pathetic it was that this was wearing me out. Then I pep talked myself (silently of course).  Although I was struggling, at least I was making myself do it.  It felt good to move my body instead of spending the boys’ nap taking a nap myself.  Those 220 calories are the only ones I’ve burned on purpose since Theo was about 4 months old.  Those 220 calories made me sweat like I haven’t since Theo was about 4 months old.  Seriously.  The more I thought about it, the prouder I felt of myself for taking this initiative to take back control of my life.

“Yay! I deeeeed it!”

I was active with my kids today. It was fun.  I did something for myself by working out and I felt accomplished afterwards.  I don’t want to be skinny minny, I just want to feel good. I want to have energy left at the end of the day to do something besides just lay on the couch playing dumb games on my phone.  I want to be able to wear shorts at Disney World in the fall and not feel disgusting.  I’m trying.  And that’s the most I’ve done in a long time.

looking up,