you might think.

Dear Mommy-to-Be:
You might be scared to death of giving birth.
But millions of women have done this before you.  Your body was built to accomplish this scary feat.  You might not know what to do, but your body already does.  And so does your baby. 
You might worry about your recovery and how much it will hurt afterwards. 
You’re right, it will hurt.  But not for long.  In a few weeks, you’ll be saying “was I ever even pregnant?”
You might think there’s no way you can get pregnant while you’re nursing, and not having your period.
That’s a lie.  
You might think you already know it all, but you don’t.
You might think you don’t have a clue how to care for a tiny helpless baby, but much of it will come naturally.
You might think you can do it all on your own and it might be hard to ask for help.
And you really might be able to do it on your own, but 90% of the people that offer to help really do want to.  So let them.
You might think that your baby will never smile.  But then one day she will and you’ll know she’s smiling because she loves you and then?  Then your heart will melt into a puddle at your feet. 
There will be nights when you wonder if you even deserve to have become a parent because it is too hard and you are too frustrated and this baby stays up way too long in the middle of the night.
But this (like everything with babies, good and bad) is just a phase and it will be a memory in the blink of an eye.
Your back might be tired from carrying the baby that has NOT LET YOU put him down for the last 12 hours.  You might want to put him in the crib the second he falls asleep.  But don’t. 
Sit there, with him in your arms, and look at that perfect, innocent face.  Stare at him.  Memorize the curve of his cheeks and the tip of his nose.  Listen to him breathing and fall into rhythm with the rise and fall of his chest.  Because before long, that tiny baby won’t want to be held much at all. 
You might panic when other babies are teething and crawling and cruising and eating solids and _______ (enter every other milestone known to woman) before your baby does.  But try not to place yourself under that unnecessary stress.  Your baby is an individual and he will do what he’s supposed to do on his own time.  He’s just perfect. 
You might find yourself saying over and over I can’t believe she’s ____ (insert age of child by days, weeks, months, then YEARS) old already!  Because even though it’s cliché, these little ones really do grow like weeds and time really does fly when you’re having fun.  Turns out, it even flies when you’re not having fun. 
So try to enjoy every moment as much as you can.  And when you find yourself in a particularly un-enjoyable moment, just remember “it’s just a phase it’s just a phase it’s just a phase it’s just a phase.”  Think about it this way.  You’ll remember the good times.  The bad moments are just moments.  They will fade and become blurry in your memory.  The smiles, the daily joys of parenthood, the wonderful memories – that’s what you’ll remember. 

I’m linking up with Mama G at Growing Up Geeky for the Toddle Along Tuesday blog hop.  Today’s topic?  Advice for mommies-to-be.  Click the link to see what other mamas have to say.

What would you add?

what i can’t (or don’t want) to live without

I got my Canon Rebel T2i for Christmas in 2010.  I am incredibly disappointed in myself for not taking the time to learn more about all the functions and what all those letters and numbers mean so that I can maximize the quality of the pictures I take.  Of course, I am mostly taking pictures of my kids.  I don’t feel that they rise to the level of professional photos, but that is where I would like to be.
I’ve just started researching lenses and I’m trying to sort through a lot of information to determine what would be best for my needs.  They are just so expensive.  And fragile.  And I have 2 little kids.  Eek. 
Photography is definitely a hobby of mine, but I’m nowhere near good enough to take pictures of other people’s kids for money.  I enjoy taking pictures for fun.  I think taking them for money would be too much pressure and I’m into low-stress livin’ as much as possible. 
So while I could live without this camera, I sure wouldn’t want to!  It is especially vital now that I have challenged myself to Project 365 – taking a picture every day for an entire year.
I’m linking up with Mama G at Growing Up Geeky for her Toddle Along Tuesday blog hop.

What’s your one MUST-HAVE item?

nursery and play space tours

I’m participating in Mama G’s Toddle Along Tuesday Blog Hop once again. Today’s topic: Your child’s room and/or play spaces. Hmm. Disclaimer: No rooms were cleaned in the making of this post. (Maybe I moved a couple things around in Dexter’s room, but the tornado that is Theo’s room was left as is).

First of all, what part of my house isn’t a play space? This post will make it all too evident to everyone else why I have been complaining that WE HAVE GOT TO MOVE. Stat. It was never our intention to raise two babies in this house. But yeah – ya know!

Here we go.

Behold: The area of the living room where all things baby are shoved. The Jumperoo which Dexter refuses to use anymore. The pile of blankets we no longer bother putting on the floor because he crawls right off of them. (Hello, kitty!) The basket of toys that Theo dumps over at every opportunity. The giant red Target bag full of extra fake food for Theo’s new (used) kitchen that we literally have nowhere else to hide. The bouncy seat that Dexter uses as a jungle gym.

The aforementioned play kitchen that now plays a starring role in our real kitchen. Theo’s little step stool. Hiding behind the step stool, you can see Dexter’s booster seat that we will start using ASAP (as soon as he quits leaning forward to take a bite, therefore requiring us to recline his Space Saver High Chair seat). (Oh, hello there, Elmo. Cooking dinner tonight?)

Dexter’s room. We’re using the old old old telephone cart for the humidifier right now. I’d love to get rid of that dumb thing altogether.

Oh, hey there peanuts!

Little bit better view of Dexter’s room. Small clear tote on the floor holds a few toys. Dresser is overflowing with baby clothes, size 6-9 and 6-12 months mostly. Sigh…the baby boy is getting too big! The glider/rocker to the right in this picture has gotten lots of exercise. It has been on loan from my mama for a couple years now and I’ll be glad when we can free up the space that it takes in the next few months.

I couldn’t resist sharing – Dexter got some rad new shoes for Christmas! I can’t wait til these fit.

Another view of the dresser corner. Why, yes. We are still rocking the baby Christmas tree.

Dexter’s bed, complete with handmade blankets, Twinkle Twinkle Little Scout, Lamaze Northern Lights Soother, and Kimberly Grant Zoom Zoom Bedding.

Finally, the changing “table.” This is a super old, cheap, and junky dresser that I’ve been using for years because our closets are so small that I have to keep my clothes in a separate room. Well, I gave up the top two drawers for Dexter’s burp cloths, receiving blankets, extra wipes, diaper genie refills, etc. The dresser originally was too low for a changing table, so my awesome father-in-law whipped up the nifty platform that the dresser is sitting on to make it the proper height! He’s amazing. The small tub on top of the dresser hold diapers, lotion, and ointments. Diaper Genie to the right. Rolling plastic storage thingy to the right of that for blankets, extra diapers, and the like.

See? I told you…he is awesome.

Moving on to Theo’s room…

I told you I didn’t clean anyone’s room for this post. Here’s the proof. I do it from time to time, because the fun of playing is apparently the process of dragging everything out, but it proves to be a futile effort if I ever do it for any other reason.

Ahh, yes. The room we actually decorated in great anticipation of our baby boy’s arrival. Sorry Dexter, we will hang something on your walls someday. Maybe.

Theo’s bed, complete with Pillow Pets, Fisher Price Projector, a couple of Elmos, and Migi Alphabet Bedding.

The dark blue ITSO cubes hold quite a few toys, but not enough obviously.

Theo’s changing table could use some re-organizing. We just don’t use it for the things we used to use it for (burp cloths, receiving blankets, etc.) so we could probably make better use of the space.

Ah. I just realized I forgot to take a picture of our giant bookshelf, full of baby/kid books. First thing you see when you walk into the living room. Yes, it is time to move. And when we do move, we will have a playroom where so many of these things can be tucked away. Oh, I can’t wait for that day.

If you want to know what my “dream play space” looks like, just flip through the pages of a Pottery Barn Kids catalog. Have you ever seen such rooms!?

Here’s a taste.

Seriously!? Who lives like this!?

Hope you’ve enjoyed the tour!