We have been busy as little worker bees around the house. We got on a kick and are excited – for now – about finally moving forward on some home improvements. You can see some of the history of this process by clicking HERE. While progress has been so, so slow, looking back at those older photos does help me see that we have made some big changes around here. Now to keep going with the momentum we have right now… That’s the tricky part. Well, that and managing the kids while we are trying to work. Oy.
Guess what? I’m linking up with these gals once again:
- Mindi from Simply Stavish
- Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer
- Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming
Here we go…
260/365: Wednesday, September 17th. A quick trip to the park after school. Sad, sad, sad to see them in jeans and hoodies! Bye-bye, summer!
261/365: Thursday, September 18th. Just an after-dinner trip to the YMCA for a little run. Late in the day, I knew I was about out of photo ops for the day.
262/365: Friday, September 19th. Again, late in the day and I had not taken a picture yet. I’m slacking off! But I snapped this around 11pm because I knew our accumulation of favorite school/babysitter art projects hanging in the kitchen was coming down the next day.
263/365: Saturday, September 20th. Did anyone watch Dexter? Creeeepy! Haha – we painted our kitchen ceiling GREEN!
264/365: Sunday, September 21st. You can see a tiny bit of the green ceiling and crown molding here but the point is that I spent ALL day Sunday painting this window and my neck has been sore ever since. I’m not as young as I once was, but it will be worth it! The window looks SO fresh and clean. Now to paint the other 2 kitchen windows. Ouchie. Oh, you can also see the gray we chose for the walls! Loving it so far and I’m so anxious to get it done. Don’t worry, that light will go away too…
265/365: Monday, September 23rd. What a nice break from working on the house – dinner with my lovely friend, Angie!
266/365: Tuesday, September 24th. The boys waiting for their Flu Mist…you all?! It’s 500 times easier than the shot. It was a breeze. I just hope it works better than the shot did last year.
This was kind of a weird week, as far as pictures are concerned. Not much of the boys and a lot of randomness, but I like what it all represents. Forward progress. Friendship. Health & fitness. Changing seasons. I’m feeling a little introspective….there might be a big emotional post coming up soon about how all of these aspects of life are woven together. Hmm.
What’s your favorite picture this week? I like them all, but none of them are technically spectacular. I’ll go with Angie – day 265 – for my choice this week because she’s pretty precious and I love our monthly mommy dinner dates.