catch the moment 365: week three

Another week dominated by illness at our house! ARGH.  I’m so ready to get this gross winter over with. Not only does it make taking decent photos inside the house impossible on work days, the sickness we’ve been going through is really starting to get depressing. I realize I’m posting way more photos of Dexter than Theo this week, but sometimes Theo is just not very cooperative for the camera. That’s life, ya know?

Linking up with Mindi @ Simply Stavish, Sarah @ Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie @ Behind the Camera and Dreaming for Catch the Moment 365.

15/365: January 15th.  Alone time for mommy at Homegoods after dinner with a friend.  So much pretty stuff here, why do I own zero percent of it? 

16/365: January 16th.  I guess this one speaks for itself?

17/365: January 17th.  I took the day off to spend with a friend and it ended up being a sick day for me. This was the only photo I could muster but pretty much sums up the day.

18/365: January 18th. A long day after a long night with the boys waking up multiple times apiece.  Dexter enjoyed this fun learning game and so did I!

19/365: January 19th. Cabin fever set in – we had to get out for a morning treat. America Runs on Dunkin!
20/365: January 20th.  On the drive home from work.  This project has me constantly scanning for something beautiful. Something photo-worthy besides my kids.  I’m enjoying my elevated awareness of the beauty around me. 
21/365: January 21st.  Story time with dad before bed.  Sometimes story time is not Dr. Suess, but looking through daddy’s Marvel Encyclopedia and learning about villains.  My boys love the bad guys!
So we made it through another week of sickness and seem to be on the mend….until the next bug bites us. And I’m 3 weeks into this 52 week photo-a-day project and so far all of my photos have been taken with my DSLR with the vast majority shot in something other than Auto.  I’m also doing the Fat Mum Slim photo-a-day challenge on Instagram so taking pictures is always on my mind. This week, my favorite photo would have to be day 18 – Dexter working on the alphabet game. I just love the colors and his little chubby hands! I’m actually happy with all of my photos this week, aside from day 17.  I can truly say that it was a challenge that day to just pick up the camera and make the effort.  
Which one is your favorite from this week? 

catch the moment 365: week two

It was back to somewhat normal routines after a couple of weeks of Christmas break topped off by a few snow days.  Getting back into the groove of the daily grind was a little tricky at best.  Luckily the boys’ first week back to reality was only three days long before two more “mommy & daddy days.”  Unfortunately we started the first full week with more illness.  When is enough enough? Because we’ve had enough!

8/365: January 8. Bathtime = Playtime.

9/365: January 9.  Frozen tundra.
10/365: January 10. Time sheet day.  It’s not every day that you get to use correction tape.

11/365: January 11. De-Christmasing the house. Plastic, shatter-proof ornaments are basically the best thing ever when you have little kids.

12/365: January 12.  The great thaw.  Finally, a sunny warm(er) day to melt the foot of snow.
13/365:  January 13. They actually cooperated with posing together – they just wanted to show off their coordinating shirts.

14/365:  January 14. Sick day home with mommy. 
Which is your favorite picture from this week?  I kind of like day 14 – Theo’s sweet, baby, innocent face.  Why can’t my skin be that perfect? I don’t get to stare at him being still for very long most of the time.  I also love the colors of the ornaments on day 11. 


overheard around the house

It’s been a while since I’ve recapped some of the cute/funny things that the boys say. I’ve been trying to keep a mental list, so here’s what I can remember right now.

Theo and Dexter both say “yo-grit” instead of yogurt.
Dexter doesn’t say “r” in words like green, broke, etc. They sound like “geen” and “boke.” I rarely try to correct him, because it’s one of the few, fleeting baby things still happening around here.  I’m enjoying it while it lasts. He calls fruit snacks are “fwoot snacks.”

Theo says “Monsters Inc Universed” instead of Monsters University.
Theo says “Teenage Mint Ninja Turtles.”
Theo calls Star Wars “Starwers.”
Dexter is starting to say grown up phrases like “how many times did I tell you?”
Theo often answers questions, “shoot yeah!” or “shoot no!” I’m not sure where he heard that!

Theo sometimes uses “responsible” and “ridiculous” interchangeably. This can be pretty hilarious at times.

Theo pronounces most things perfectly but gets a little tripped up on a few character names.

For example:
R2-D2:  R-Tooty
Darth Vader: Dark Vader
Clone Trooper:  Clown Trooper
Darth Maul: Dark Mall
Madam Leota: Mama Yoda

Dexter overheard someone expel a little gas over the holidays and said “what did YOU have for breakfast?”

Theo is always asking us, “what’s your favorite color?” and giving us a toy or book or anything that color. As if we automatically like anything and everything that color.

Every day when the boys wake up, they ask us “Is it wake up time?” and “Is it a mommy and daddy day?”

Every time I’m in the kitchen, and Dexter hears the microwave, he asks “is it dinner time?”

Oh, there’s so much more but every time I sit down to write it out, everything flies out of my brain. These are the little things that I know I will soon forget, yet love so much about this age and stage in their lives.
