baby friends

I was so lucky to have a couple of friends who were pregnant at the same time I was.  If not always fun, it was comforting to compare symptoms and whine to each other.  Of course we also shared our excitement, went to each others’ showers, prego lady dinners, and made predictions about our little-ones-to-be.  It’s going to be so much fun getting them together to play as they get older.

My good friend J, who’s baby boy D was born 8 days after Theo, had the wonderful idea to get the Babies of ’10 together for D’s 6 (err, closer to 7) month photo shoot.  The babies didn’t all cooperate at the same time, but there were some cute shots, nonetheless.  How could there not be, with all that slobber and cute baby squishiness?  Totally not a word, but I don’t care! 

J’s photographer, Angie, took lots of group and individual shots of our little munchkins and shared a “Sneak Peek” with us.  I can’t wait to see the rest of the photographs.  Click here to see the sneak peek.  Theo’s the third baby (with gobs of hair) in case you didn’t know.  Duh. 
