19 days til Christmas!

What a wonderful weekend.  It was half busy and half lazy.  Often times, my favorite weekends are the ones where we never leave the house.  Or barely leave the house.  Never is a bit of a stretch to be honest, I’d get cabin fever.  But with that being said, I despise the cold weather we’re having right now and even more, I despise the bottoms of my jeans getting wet from walking through snow and wet parking lots…blech.  I’d rather stay in my dry, warm, cozy home!  Anyway…

Friday I went with my m-i-l and met my mom and sister for the Judds concert in Louisville, Kentucky.  It was wonderful.  It was like no time had passed.  I couldn’t believe clear and pure Wynonna’s voice was.  I had so much fun.  I think we all did.  Saturday morning my m-i-l and I drove back home.  I dropped her off and hurried home to see my 2 favorite guys in the world, who I had missed tons.

They were both pretty happy to see me and as soon as Theo went down for a nap, we started scurrying to get all of the Christmas decorations out.  We knew we had about a 2 hour window to get as much done as possible.  Wrong.  He napped for about 30 minutes.  So I got him up, put on his cute Christmas shirt from Old Navy, and tried to snap a cute picture for our holiday cards.  Bust.  I hate my camera.  Hate hate hate hate it.  Low light pictures are awful.  No flash is not even an option.  Anyway, I have to try again.  Maybe we can get one of him outside in the snow or something.  He loved the lights and the ornaments but he didn’t really speed things up or keep us on task.  We were able to get some stuff done…enough that we knew we needed to make a trip to Target for more lights.  We never replaced the ones that burned out last year.

So we took a break and got some quick and yummy dinner from Quizno’s (I got the Chipotle Turkey Flatbread Sammy…mmm) then went to Target.  I couldn’t resist buying Theo a little tree to sit on top of his dresser in his room.  It was too cute with the miniature ornaments I found.  It will be his night-light until after Christmas.  He likes it too. 

After Theo went to bed we finished decorating the tree and putting out other various and assorted decorations.

Sunday we had some pancakes for breakfast and Theo made up for Saturday’s short nap by taking an extra long one.  Meanwhile, we laid on the couch enjoying our Christmas decorations and catching up on DVR’d shows for almost 3 hours.  Ahhh.  Those are the times I missed when Theo was a newborn.  I thought we’d never have any time to sit and do nothing again.

I could get used to weekends like that.  Too bad we’ve barely started Christmas shopping and the next 2 weekends will be jam-packed with scurrying around to get everyone’s gifts (including Theo’s…haven’t bought him the first thing yet!) 
