play date!

Theo has a couple of friends.  What I mean by “friends” is that I am friends with their mommies and we get together so that we can watch them “play.”  I am using quotation marks simply because, as you know if you have or have had a toddler, they don’t really play together.  They play near each other and sometimes acknowledge each other, but they don’t play cooperatively yet.  Regardless, it’s cute and a great excuse to get together with my fellow mommy friends. 

When Dexter was just a week or two old, R took Theo for a wagon ride around the neighborhood for a little one on one time and to get him out of the house for awhile.  While they were exploring, a woman stopped them to ask where we got our cute wagon.  Upon talking, the lady explained that she had a son just three months older than Theo and expressed an interest in getting her little boy, L, together with Theo to play.

Throughout my maternity leave, R mentioned repeatedly that we should call L’s mom.  He finally called her Sunday and set up a play date at the playground for Thursday. 



Theo was quick to find a stick to carry around the park.
They had fun climbing on and playing inside of the jungle gym.

L gave Theo a lesson in swinging on the big kid swings.

He did pretty well!
It was fun meeting and L and we hope to see him again soon. 

Dexter went with us to the park but I was busy snapping pictures of the big boys and forgot to take any of him. He was content watching Theo and L run around the park and playground.  After we got home, Dex was happy to relax on my lap and cool off under the fan. 

cheers to new friends.