weigh to go: 2 months in

Click here for the previous update.

I was disappointed the last time I posted because I was doing SO well following my plan for dieting and exercising only to gain weight.  I’ve increased my water intake significantly, stayed the course overall, and am continuing to lose weight.  With my goal being to lose 20-24 pounds (and maintain in that range thereafter), I am over halfway there.  As of last Friday, I’ve lost 12.8 pounds.  
What’s working right now continuing to log all of my calories — yes, EVERYTHING I eat, on MyFitnessPal.  It definitely helps me focus, make better decisions, and plan ahead for what/how much I am going to eat throughout the day.  I’m trying to incorporate snacks between meals to keep my metabolism busy but it’s hard to do when I’m counting calories and have to ration enough for meals on days when I don’t hit the gym (MyFitnessPal gives me more calories to eat when I exercise — hello, motivation to go to the gym right there!). 
What’s also working is planning to cheat.  In other words, I give myself something to look forward to and that helps me maintain while that cheat day is approaching.  Last week it was enchiladas, chips & queso, and a margarita with a friend on Friday night.  I ended up eating twice as many calories as I was supposed to for the day, and guess what? It’s fine.  Not every day, but once every couple of weeks is fine.  I’m still losing weight and honestly?  I was probably eating that many calories EVERY day before January.  Yikes.  Having an awareness of this completely changes the way I look at my food, and yes, other people’s food as well.  I just want to make better choices, be around for a long time, and set a good example for my kids.  
What’s essential to my success so far and going forward is reminding myself that I am not in a race to lose the weight and get in better shape.  I’m determined to make this a lifestyle change.
Going to the gym makes me feel stronger, more energetic, and accomplished. I love how I feel leaving the gym.  I love being able to say that I pushed myself.  I even love wearing my sweaty clothes out of there like a badge of honor.  Take that, fat.  Keep crying! I am taking control of my life, my health, and my body.  I’m not letting my body control me.  I feel proud when I resist a cupcake here, a donut there, and a latte every morning.  I’m having fun searching for and testing healthy recipes for my family.  
I know I’m only 2 months in, but I like where this is headed.  Dramatic weight loss or not, I like feeling better and fitting in my clothes better.  