catch the moment: week nine

Week nine: done. This project is not getting any harder – In fact, think it’s actually getting easier. I’m just accustomed to carrying my camera around with me and looking for things to take pictures of. My next photography goal is to stop being a wuss and start taking pictures even when I know people are looking at me like I’m crazy!  Sometimes I shy away from pulling out the giant camera because I know people are thinking I’m one strange lady. 
Linking up for week 9 with Stephanie @ Behind the Camera and DreamingMindi @ Simply Stavish, and Sarah @ Nurse Loves Farmer for Catch the Moment 365.
57/365: February 26th. I tried to get an up-close shot of this church in week 6 but was scared off by someone in the parking lot.  I don’t know a lot about architecture, but I just love this kind of historic building. 

58/365: February 27th.  A lotta TMNT going on in this photo.
59/365: February 28th. Friday morning stop for tea at my favorite spot.
60/365: March 1st. An after-dinner trip to Target and just one of many photos from my “Day in the Life” post. 

61/365: March 2nd. Sunday morning craft project – I made this little page for Theo’s birthday celebration at school.
62/365: March 3rd. Monday afternoon Lego time. 

63/365: March 4th. Mr. Dextie Bear was being such a cutie in the car on the way to the sitter.  
I’m enjoying the project so far and like all of my pictures this week for one reason or another, regardless of their artistic quality or depth. I think my favorite is day 58 for the rich colors. Which one is your favorite this week? 