catch the moment 365: week fifteen

Another week has come and gone and brought more crazy weather.  Saturday we were in shorts and flip flops and Tuesday morning it was snowing.  Whatever, Indiana.  Get your shizz together already!! Hopefully Spring weather is here to stay for a little while.

Linking up with Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming once again for Catch the Moment 365.

99/365: April 9th.  A gorgeous afternoon for playing outside after work, school, etc. I had plenty of them laughing and smiling from this day but for some reason the seriousness on both of their faces won me over.

100/365: April 10th. What? A selfie two weeks in a row? Participants of the 365 group I’m in were challenged to take a selfie to celebrate the 100th day of the project.  The email server where I work was down so I left after three hours and used PTO for the rest of the day. It was too gorgeous out to be cooped up inside with nothing to do! Met Ryan for lunch and then ran some errands (read: got a pedicure).

101/365: April 11th. Oh, look!! Spring decided to make it’s appearance. Things are finally starting to bud and bloom around here.  

102/365: April 12th. Saturday was such a gorgeous day that we spend the vast majority of it playing outside. It was the kind of day you just wish would never end. The weather was gorgeous, the boys were great, and even though we didn’t do anything extra special, it was a perfect day. We ended it at the park with Dairy Queen treats as the sun went down.

103/365: April 13th. Time to get back to work on our long-abandoned kitchen remodel.More cabinet painting is under way. I LONG for the day I can post “before” and “after” pictures of our kitchen instead of just “during.” I will just be excited to be able to take pictures of the boys in our kitchen. It gets a lot of great light in the afternoon but right now it looks so ugly in the background that I usually avoid it.

104/365: April 14th.  A Monday to beat all Mondays. By the time I went to bed the night before, I had a seriously sore neck. I’m guessing from some yardwork I did on Saturday afternoon. Anyway, said seriously sore neck woke me up seriously early on Monday morning (like 4:something A.M. early) so it was a large marge sugar free french vanilla iced coffee kind of breakfast. 

105/365: April 15th. It was completely quiet in the living room while I was cooking dinner so I had to sneak a peek to make sure the boys hadn’t gone to their room. Nah- just playing so nicely and quietly that I didn’t hear them.  Rare but precious!
Aside from that sore neck which is just now getting back to normal, it has been a wonderful week! Being able to get outside and breathe some fresh air has been good for the entire family. Looking forward to continued good weather and making progress around the house.  Wondering if I will ever write a real blog post again….
This week I really like day 99 the best! Such serious boys.  Which is your favorite?