The celebrating started two days before Theo’s birthday, on Thursday March 6th. His Montessori school has a neat birthday tradition and invited us and Theo’s grandparents to attend. My mom even drove up from Tennessee the night before to be there in time. We were quite the crowd in his little classroom but I loved it and wouldn’t have had it any other way.
theo’s fourth birthday: a lego-tastic celebration
Here’s Theo’s teacher, Ms. Holly, talking about Theo and asking me what Theo was like each year of his life. I made the scrapbook page with one photo of him from each year. Theo got to hold the globe and walk around the sun one time for each birthday so far. They sung a couple of cute songs as well as the traditional birthday song, then we went outside for treats – Theo asked for chocolate muffins so I made enough brownies in a mini muffin tin for the class and teachers.
Not wanting to take time away from that brownie to pose for a picture with Ms. Holly.
Friday was extra nice – the first time in many years that I just spent a day with my mom. We sent the boys to the sitter to get things ready for Theo’s small party on Saturday. It was nice just hanging out, shopping, eating lunch, and talking without the constant distractions from my sweet little energetic, talkative, attention-sucking boys. We picked them up, let them play outside for an hour or so, then continued working on party stuff.
First time the grass got mowed in 2014.
Making minifigure cups and gift bags for our guests.
Saturday – Theo’s 4th birthday! Party day! Swim lessons and so much stuff to do!
Dexter helping Grammy with the lemon bars.
Aunt Chelle and Pop Pop are ready to party.
Some of Theo’s favorite foods: assorted berries.
My mom made the awesome banner!
Even though it’s not a Lego, Ryan and I decided Theo needs a bike. It wasn’t the most popular gift and we were prepared for that. He’s such a homebody – he loves to play Legos, games, read books, etc. so we wanted to do something to encourage him to get outside this spring and summer. He liked it. I wouldn’t say he looooved it. Don’t worry, we also got him a few little Legos.
Three minifigures and two small sets to be exact.
Create your own Mini-fig table.
Lining up for that tasty food. We had:
-Cocktail Meatballs-
-Mini Corn Dogs-
-Assorted Veggies & Dip-
-Queso & Chips-
-Berry Salad-
-Lemon Bars-
Fun with punching balloons
Not too sure about this.
Of course, one of the best parts of the day was seeing his excitement as he opened his gifts.
At Theo’s request, Nana made him a chocolate cake with chocolate icing. It was delicious. I found the cute Lego cake topper (that was not technically a cake topper) on Amazon.
Our “not-really-a-party” that turned into a little bit of a party was so much fun. We were so happy to have all of our guests in attendance at our little bit of a party.
Salazar Family
Weir Family
Nana and Pop Pop
The Beals/Jeffries
Too bad little buddy was done-zo with pics by the time we got around to attempting …
Sunday, coincidentally, Brickworld was going on at the State Fairgrounds. What better way to round out this little guy’s Lego birthday bonanza than to surround ourselves with MORE LEGOS?
45,000 square feet of massive Lego displays. The boys were in heaven.
It didn’t hurt that they got yet another mini-figure. I mean, at a place like that, how could we say no?
Loved the look on Dexter’s face when he spotted me watching him from outside this madness. He was so excited to show me his tower. It was funny, there were several kids in there his same age and they were all building the same things…towers. It’s a start to the Lego addiction!
It was a really great weekend and birthday celebration for my FOUR year old boy – that still sounds weird!
Dexter is already talking about his Batman & Robin party so the bar has been raised…the expectation is there. Here we go again!